Displaying 671 - 680 of 731.
The Sheikh of the Azhar lost a lot of his supporters because of his latest statement about attacking Israeli civilians. All who saw the massacres committed by the Israelis against the Palestinians rejected his statement. Sheikh Al-Qaradawi believed that his statement was unrelated to reality.
The Mufti of Egypt affirmed that the Palestinians defence of themselves by any method is legal. Counselor Tareq Al-Bishri believed that the killing of the civilians is not wrong as a civilian is not related only to the uniform but is related to the attitude he adopts. Dr. Abdel-Sabour Shahin said...
Response to two reports of the Middle East Media Research Institute [MEMRI] about Jihad during Ramadan and plans of a prominent Egyptian actor to produce a series for TV based on the notoriously anti-Semitic "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
The author believes that poverty, ignorance and political oppression are not the real reasons behind terrorism. Terrorism grows up in societies where a dogmatic culture prevails. There are satellite channels that promote terrorist ideas and host religious analysts to justify what they preach....
In this article Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi speaks about Islam and secularism, the weakness and disunity among Muslims, the Muslims’ aggression towards the West, the violence of the Gama’at Al-Islamiya and the responsibility of the preachers, thinkers and the governments towards correcting the...
The Egyptian Gama’at Al-Islamiya denied that members of the group have taken part in the fights in Kunduz, in Afghanistan. The group also denied that it was a member of the International Islamic Front for the Jihad against the Jews and the Crusaders, established by Usama Bin Laden and Ayman Al-...
The article compares the Muslim Brotherhood and the Taliban. Both of them practice terrorism and claim to be following religion.
The British authorities discovered that a security company called Sakina was recruiting British Muslim youth and sending them to Chechnya and Afghanistan to participate in Jihad against the Christian West. Therefore they closed the company and arrested its members. The members of Sakina are...
One of the strange things about the current American war, which talks of fighting terrorism as one of its main targets, is that it started after the world witnessed a decline in terrorism. When terrorism was active, America was among the countries hosting it. Most of the leaders of the extremist...
It has become dangerous to tell simple people frankly that the Afghan and Jihad Islamic groups do not understand politics and that they are the reason behind the tragedy of Afghanistan. It has become clear that such groups, intentionally, involve Arabs, Muslims and Islam in an absurd unequal...


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