Displaying 7321 - 7330 of 10154.
Suddenly, Sayyed Qutb placed himself very close to the new power, [the officers of] the July Revolution, and forgot or ignored his fierce defense of the workers and the poor which continued from 1949 till 1951. It is astonishing that Sayyed Qutb forgot about his call for social justice, yet, it is...
Arabs and Muslims are searching their history, and they are dealing with today’s events with a mentality dating to many centuries ago. The key problem we are suffering off, is that the world, through fast communications, turned into a small global village of different races and religions and common...
Millions of Arab and Muslim children are the product of the culture of extremism, hatred of the ‘other’ and imaginary superiority. This culture is created in thousands of schools and mosques through half-educated sheikhs and teachers. How can Arab and Muslims entrust the minds of their boys and...
Two months ago, the Council of Governors at the Egyptian government issued a decision to stop building new Azharite Institutes, stop building civil mosques and demolish mosques built without license. This caused angry reactions among the Egyptian public. Eighteen deputies at the People’s Assembly,...
The Moroccan researcher Al-Moqrai Al-Idrisi Abu Zeid, a member of the parliament affiliated to the Islamic opposition party of Al-Adala wa Al-Tanmiya [Justice and development], said that the time has come for extremist violence-involved Islamic movements to carry out an ideological revision of...
For the first time in the history of Egypt, a Coptic thinker, Dr. Nabil Luqa Bebawi, has obtained a doctoral degree in Islamic Shari’a. The topic of his dissertation was “The rights and duties of non-Muslims in an Islamic state.” He said he chose this topic because Islam as revealed through the...
It is new for a Christian Egyptian legal researcher to obtain a doctoral degree in Islamic Shari’a. Dr. Nabil Luqa Bebawi wrote his dissertation in the topic “The rights and duties of non-Muslims in the Islamic state.” In his research, Bebawi intends to respond to those who attack Islam and...
The Islamic-Christian dialogue is based on a double error in terms of its approach and goals. The wrong approach is brining the points of disagreements between the religions to the fore when discussing the two religions, like for example the point about whether Jesus is the embodiment of God or not...
Talk about Islamic-Christian dialogue abounds. But the question is, what is this dialogue and what are its goals? Different groups are calling for this dialogue. This dialogue is taking many forms. We should thus make sure that the Islamic-Christian dialogue penetrates as many fields as possible...
Since the release of the document by the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) concerning Christian relationships with other religions, the Vatican and Protestant churches have been seeking to override the negative heritage of historical conflicts between Islam and Christianity. Protestant churches...


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