Displaying 7361 - 7370 of 10154.
In an interview with Sabāh al-Khayr, Bishop Dr. Youhannā Qulta, Deputy Patriarch of the Coptic-Catholic Church in Egypt, teaches us how to love and understand both life and ourselves.
In the aftermath of the terrorist attack in the Azhar area, the Egyptian press focused on opinions of clerics and the editorial views of senior journalists.
Nominating a Copt for President has triggered a lot of controversial points of views following the nomination of Copt businessman ‘Adlī Abādīr, residing in Switzerland.
The division among NGOs that received the one-million-dollar grant from the US Embassy in Cairo with the aim of monitoring presidential elections became stronger.
“We are all aware of our stifling economic problems, security threats by Israel, US pressures, large disparities between the classes, the emergency law and corruption. Those problems of course prompt the emergence of true popular movements that target real reforms,” said Egyptian intellectual...
Al-Akbār covered the terrorists’ threats against the writer Jamāl al-Ghitānī on the background of the cover story on the Niqab on the cover page of his magazine “Akbār al-Adab” [Literature News].
The security department of the Ministry of the Interior has cast light on the phenomenon of posters with Islamic or Christian symbols or quotes encouraging religious fanaticism.
Most Egyptian parties suffer from political anemia, which means they lack popular support and always need political blood transfusion operations form the major parties. Otherwise, they will search for foreign financial and political backing.
I know that democracy and freedom in all political systems are controversial issues. Nevertheless, some parties in Egypt practice a different kind of democracy, unknown to all other parts of the world! I know that freedom, which is the essence and end of democracy, could not be changed from a noble...
While the nation has recently voted over the most important constitutional amendment in the past 50 years, Egyptians in Britain were shocked by some elements and tried to advocate the opposite view in a rickety automobile with a banner reading “Save Egypt Front.”


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