Displaying 7721 - 7730 of 10154.
The situation became very complicated for Christians who are either seeking divorce or are getting married again after they have secured a court ruling for obtaining a divorce. Now there are about 160,000 cases attempting to deal with this complicated issue.
The Palestinians’ complaints about the Israeli transgressions are all considered anti-Semitic acts. In fact, the United States’ attitude to blur the distinction between the actions taken by the Israeli government and those of the Palestinians was not the first of its kind.
Minister of State for the Shoura Council Affairs, Dr. Mufīd Shihāb, said that the U.S. new anti-Semitism law might become a security, political, and cultural weapon facing both Arabs and Muslims. He added that the United States, through this law, is actually trying to impose sanctions on any...
We will not settle for the Fayyoum girls, expatriate Copts war A website of the so-called American Middle Eastern Christian Association (AMCA) has cast doubts over Islam and Muslims as well as the Qur’ān. It brings good tidings to its followers and relates the success of their endeavors to bring...
The French are at a loss, as they are unable to determine the character of Tāriq Ramadān. Some have labeled him as Ramadnophobe, the new Malcolm X, the official spokesman for the axis of evil, the prince of fanatics, or a time bomb in France; while others call him a moderate promoter of the Qur’ān.
The Ministry of Education created a school subject called “Values & Ethics.” Fathī Younus, a professor of Curricula at the Faculty of Education, said that these kinds of textbooks are more harmful than useful.
Cairo is hosting the first world conference on Muslim-Christian dialogue between the International Islamic Forum for Dialogue (IIFD) and the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC).
Seven weeks after the discovery of a Coptic Christian family, found slain in their Jersey City home, police have arrested two felons in connection with the grisly murder that horrified a nation and garnered almost constant media coverage. On Friday 4 March 2005, Edward McDonald, 25, and Hamilton...
The basic premise form which this article proceeds is that the Copts are (or should be) genuine Egyptian citizens, that is, first – calls citizens. Egypt is their county; they are not living here by the grace of others but are full entitled to enjoy the status and rights of nationhood, as full...
I just want to ask the author why [Coptic] girls in specific, and not Coptic men, are subject to abduction? The stories we hear in Egypt, however, do not convince even small children. Apostasy [irtidād] is a result of bodily lust or some worldly purpose. It is not based on persuasion or belief in...


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