Displaying 7301 - 7310 of 10154.
In a study published in Al-Manar [the Minaret] Magazine under the title “the transitions of the Egyptian Islamic movement and its future”, Dr. Kamal Al-Sa’id Habib, a political researcher and one of the founders of the Jihad group, reviews the history of the Islamic movement in Egypt since the...
Away from the lights and the crowdedness of Cairo, the dissolved group of the Muslim Brotherhood started extensive activities in Upper Egypt in preparation for the coming parliamentary elections of the People’s Assembly. The Brotherhood plans involves no propaganda based on the policy of...
The problem that Islam and Muslims are facing now is primarily an internal problem. The main problem lies here in our methods in understanding this great religion of freedom, justice and tolerance. Some men of religion conspire with people in power in order justify tyranny. Some men of religion are...
The veil is a dress code that is deemed acceptable in appearance and content- whether it was essentially based on religious reasons or not. Every person- man or woman- is free to dress as he pleases and follow whatever fashion he likes. So the question remains: why do we freak out and tend to...
Letters and telephone calls showered on Rose Al-Youssef after publishing the article titled “Ladies in the salons of depression” expressing support or rejection of the phenomenon. Remarkably enough, most of those who contacted are the husbands the ladies who host these salons. • See art. 4 Dr....
Posters containing religious materials are covering all the walls, doors and even the administrative building of the Girls Faculty [ a faculty that accept female students only] affiliated to the Ain Shams University. The Faculty’s professors know very well that the students embrace extremist...
Dr. Ahmed Bassam Sa’I, a Syrian scholar and the head of Oxford Academy for Higher Education applied a new approach in interpreting the Holy Qur’an that reveals its miraculous nature. Asharq Al-Awsat met with Dr. Sa’i during his visit to Cairo. AWR presents some of the questions Asharq Al-Awsat...
In spite of the large presence at the discussion of the dissertation of Dr. Nabil Luqa Bebawi on the “Rights and duties of non-Muslims in Islamic states, the mufti Dr. Ali Goma’a missed an important point. Dr. Bebawi said that jizya was not imposed on all non-Muslims in all times, confirming that...
Dr. Ali Goma’a, the mufti of the Egyptian Republic, directed severe criticism at the dissertation presented by Dr. Nabil Luqa Bebawi concerning the rights and duties of non-Muslims in Islamic states. Dr. Goma’a’s criticism were based on the claims that Copts did not get some of their rights in...
My study titled “Hoqoq wa wagebat Al-Maseheen fi Al-Dawla Al-Islamiya” [the Duties and rights of Christians in the Islamic state], tackled some of the problems Copts in Egypt face, and I have also mentioned scientific solutions that would maintain the balance of the government and the inherited...


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