Displaying 721 - 730 of 3481.
The USA is unable to provide the world with an objective view of how to deal with terrorism. Each country is the most capable party of solving the problems of terrorism within its borders. For this to be done, each country needs a space of freedom and justice to work in.
More than 85 Egyptian Christians have rejected what Revd. Jerry Falwell said about the Prophet Muhammad being a terrorist. Three members of the Egyptian parliament have asked the prime minister to issue a decree to the effect of not allowing the enemies of Islām and those who disgrace Prophet...
Jerry Falwell’s appearance in a 60 Minutes broadcast sparked international Islamic protest, political fallout, and a fatwa calling for his death. The article contains interviews with Islamic experts, Christian theologians, and observers to summarize the event and put it into perspective.
The author accuses fanatics of abusing university students? enthusiasm for Palestine and Saddam Hussein. He blames university professors for their inability of managing dialogue with enthusiastic students. He believes that the call for allowing students to express their enthusiasm is deceiving...
Muslim Brother leader Mustafa Mashhour criticized group?s member Mokhtar Nuh for his initiative to encourage a dialogue between the government and the Muslim Brotherhood. The author believes that such criticism may make Nuh join the club of expelled Brotherhood members.
The author criticizes the opinion of the Creed and Philosophy Committee that the apostate is to be given a lifetime chance to renounce his apostate ideas. He lists Qur’ān verses stating that apostates should be killed. He believes it is dangerous to alleviate non-negotiable rules and change the...
Media critique on an article that has given a distorted presentation of a Dutch report on anti-Semitism.
The author speaks about sectarian fanaticism in Lebanon because of politicians and its effect on Lebanon.
The author presents the hypothesis of American thinker and philosopher, René Girard, about violence to explain the reasons behind violence in the world now. He says that his theory of 'Mimetic desire' interprets all the events and behaviors around us.
Radical Islamic cleric Abū Hamzah al-Misrī lost his appeal against his convictions of incitement to murder and race-hate offences.


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