Displaying 251 - 260 of 1370.
1. Anton Wessels, The Grand Finale. The Apocalypse in the Tanakh, the Gospel, and the Qur’an, Translated by Henry Jansen and Lucy Hofland, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, Oregon, 2020, 321 pp. Paperback $ 35 E-book $ 9.99 This English version is dedicated to Professor Saeid Edalatnejad of the...
While Copts celebrate Christmas today, Rāmī Kāmil, Patrick George and Khalīl Rizq find themselves in prison, being held in pretrial detention pending charges of spreading false news by defending human and workers’ rights.
The Catholic Church in Egypt announced that it has taken new measures to fight the Coronavirus for daily liturgy and Christmas masses that will be celebrated on December 24th and 25th. 
The Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center announced the opening of a college of humanities and natural sciences, which includes four departments with master degree programs and two departments offering bachelor’s degrees.  It also mentioned that classes will begin in December.  Departments will teach...
The Coptic Orthodox Church announced the dates for this year’s Coptic Book Fair.  The fair will be from November 3 to November 18 at St. Mark’s Cathedral in al-ʿAbāssiyya.
After more than 15 years, the theological magazine al-Nisūr returns to its readers in a new form as one of the most well-known theological publications in the Arab world, and resume the important role in theological studies that it had assumed since its original publication.
The draft of a law for Christian families in Egypt has again resulted in disagreements between churches, which were conveyed in notes sent to the government.
Eight human rights organizations repeated their demands for the immediate release of Coptic activist Rāmī Kāmil and the dropping of the trumped-up charges against him after an entire year since his arrest.  They also called for the end of mistreating Egyptian human rights defenders and especially...
Representatives of Egypt’s Orthodox, Catholic, and Evangelical Churches officially submitted a draft of the personal status law for Christians in Egypt to Sharīf al-Shādhilī, advisor to Prime Minister Muṣṭafā Madbūlī.  Now the government will hand it over to parliament, so it can become law.
A year has passed since the arrest of Christian activist Rāmī Kāmil, who was detained on November 23, 2019 and is in remand detention under case number 1475 of 2019 with Supreme State Security.


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