Displaying 21 - 30 of 122.
American resident and Egyptian geologist Rushdi Sa<sup>c</sup>īd said Egypt is in a “degraded” state. He pointed to the water crisis, education, health care and lack of democracy. Sa<sup>c</sup>īd claims that religious tension dominates society and that Al-fitnah al-tā’...
In response to Selim El-Awa's allegations, Bishop Basanty said that all monasteries are open to the public. He also said that Bishop Bishoy's claims of Muslims initially being visitors in Egypt are historically accurate and were meant in a peaceful manner. He said that Kamilia Shehata and Wafaa...
The author talks about the ruling party’s plans to expand in order to compete with the National Democratic Party, but face limited capacities to guarantee their domination.
During Obama’s meeting with President Mubarak, Copts protested the situation of Christians in Egypt. Demonstrators held banners with slogans such as "Mubarak: Make peace at home first…No more gross injustice towards Copts" and "Stop forcing Coptic girls into Islam". Some believe that Mubarak was...
Civil rights activist, Sa<sup>c</sup>d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, told Amr Adeeb that it would be legal for Gamal Mubarak to become president if article 76 in the Egyptian constitution were to be abolished. He also advised Mohamed Elbaradei to form a back-up plan in case his seven demands aren't...
Muhammad al-Barādi‘ī’s visit to Saint Mark's Cathedral for the Easter Mass created considerable controversy. While some people appreciated the greetings, others considered it a gesture that gives the church an undue political role.
Coptic activist Maurice Sādiq calls on the ruling party to devote 25 percent of parliamentary seats to Copts.
Al-Wafd interviews Muhammad Abū al-Ghār, Head of March 9th Movement, concerning the reasons and solutions for fitnah in Egypt. 
The article discusses the relationship between Jamāl Mubārak and the Coptic Orthodox Church.  
Bishop Bīshūy comments on current church affairs and announces that Bishop Yu’annis is still the pope’s private secretary


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