Displaying 81 - 90 of 122.
This review deals with the annual national unity iftār, an occasion that brings together Muslim and Christian senior officials and dignitaries during the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadān, as Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria and Imām of the Azhar Shaykh Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī stressed...
The review deals with statements made by the deputy guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, Dr. Muhammad Habīb, in which he said the passing of power to Jamāl Mubārak, the son of President Husnī Mubārak, will never be accepted by the group and it "will be over our dead bodies." The statements...
Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif stirred controversy by suggesting the existence of a private Brotherhood army while at the same time causing friction within the ruling National Democratic Party with his recent statements.
Yesterday, Ḥizb al-Jabhah al- Dīmūqrātīyah [The Democratic Front Party] held a ceremony celebrating its inauguration, to which a large number of Egyptian intellectuals, politicians and public figures were invited.
A few days ago, the Shūrá [Consultative] Council discussed a draft law on amending some articles of the penal code pertaining to publication-related cases. A large number of journalists staged a sit-in in protest against the proposed amendments, describing them as a setback to the freedom of...
The author advocates for a unified law for building places of worship in Egypt, citing problems in obtaining a license to erecting a house for aged care that was connected to the Holy Virgin Church in Assiut as one situation that would be solved by such a law.
The author tackles statements made by Yihyā al-Jamāl, in which he asserted that there is no political party in Egypt except the Muslim Brotherhood.
The author wonders who is ruling Egypt and Dr. Mīlād Hana states that neither Jamāl Nazīf, or the Muslim Brotherhood is capable of ruling Egypt.
U.S. officials negotiate with the National Democratic Party and the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood admits that there have been other discussions between them and the U.S.
In his interview with al-Maydān, the spokesman of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad al -Katātinī comments that the group does not want Jamāl Mubarak to participate in the next presidential elections and demands equal opportunities for every Egyptian citizen.


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