Displaying 751 - 760 of 2331.
There was much surprise in the U.S. at Egyptian President Muhammad Mursī’s recent shake-up of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) leadership. The Los Angeles Times suggests that this proves him ‘a better political tactician than many had believed’ [Rīm ‘Abd al-Latīf, Egypt president's...
On July 30 Dr. ‘Abd al-Mu’tī Bayūmī passed away. I was first introduced to Dr. ‘Abd al-Mu’tī Bayūmī by Dutch Jesuit priest, Fr. Christiaan van Nispen, in 1995. The two men had been friends for many years and thus meeting him through Father van Nispen was an excellent start for to long-lasting...
The Egyptian popular newspaper al-Fajr published the text of a leaflet calling to kill Christians, increasing fear among Christians in Egypt. Jihad Watch distributed news about this to a wide western audience, deeply increasing Western concerns for Christians in Egypt. Muhammad Habīb, former Deputy...
Throughout Egypt the justice system is known to be very slow. Though it has a long and respectable history, as the population exploded and litigation increased, many turn to non-traditional methods to avoid spending a year or more in court.
The Shūrá Council in its session of August 7, 2012 approved the proposals of its General Committee regarding the appointment of Editors-in-Chief of the national (state-supported) newspapers for the next three years.The appointments encompassed 80 percent of editors-in-chief (1).
The circumstances surrounding the events of the past two weeks in Dahshūr remain somewhat unclear as demonstrated by the conflicting points of view that are spreading throughout social media and the Internet.
Arab West Report translated the text of the Coptic Orthodox acting Patriarch Bishop Pachomius's comment on the incidents of the village Dahshūr, al-Badrāshīn Township. Below is the full text translation of the the official statement. [Reviewer's Note: the below name, address and  postal code were...
At an open fast-breaking meal outside the sit-in protest for ‘Umar ‘Abd al-Rahmān at the US Embassy, Hassan Khalīfah shed tears of joy as he concluded his ten minute speech. In the picture: Hassan Khalīfah ‘I apologize for going long, but forgive me, it has been nineteen years that I have been in...
The village of Dahshūr is administratively affiliated with Badrāshīn Township, Giza Governorate. It is one of the most historically famous spots on the map of the antiquities-based tourism in Egypt, especially after being chosen by the World Tourism Organization as the place for celebrations of the...
I participated this week in a meeting to which I was invited by friend novelist Dr. 'Azzah Kāmil, Director of Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development Organization [ACT]. The meeting’s title was “Towards Effective Strategies for Combating Violence and Trafficking of Women and Girls”. Dr...


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