Date of source: Sunday, May 2, 2021
Since the Second World War churches have made tremendous efforts to strive towards more unity. At the same time, we see national and church politics often getting in the way. In this example about church division from Egypt, it is not about dogmatic differences but about the long-term effects of (...
Date of source: Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Members of the Episcopal Church of Egypt were called to come to the All Saints Cathedral for an extra-ordinary church meeting that was carefully designed to result in a call for a letter to President Abdelfattah al-Sisi [ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī] to recognize the Anglican Diocese of Egypt as an...
Date of source: Sunday, May 2, 2021
Sermon given by Prof. Dr. Mike Reimer, teaching at the Department of History, American University in Cairo (AUC), on Orthodox Good Friday April 30, 2021, in the Anglican St. John the Baptist Church in Maadi, Cairo. This was typically the sermon of a historian. The sermon is based on the Gospel...
Date of source: Wednesday, May 5, 2021
This text was presented to all members of the extraordinary church council meeting or synod on October 24, 2020. It was not a new text. The bishop earlier presented a similar text in 2019 to the parish council of St. John the Baptist Church when relations were discussed with the Maadi Community...
Date of source: Sunday, November 24, 2019
On February 1, 2019, I visited the Monastery of St. Makarios with a Dutch church group that made a journey into the spiritual heritage of the Coptic Orthodox Church. Questions were asked and we visited the bookstore of the monastery where we bought several translated publications of Father Matta al...
Date of source: Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Arab-West Report is in favor of any fruitful dialogue between peoples of different religions and convictions. But what should be the focus of a debate? Should we focus on beliefs that we know will not bring different parties together or should we focus on themes that would show similarities in...
Date of source: Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Every year on January 11 or 12, Dayr Abu Hinnis, a small, isolated Christian village 186 miles south of Cairo, commemorates the Holy Family's flight into Egypt. The celebrations at Dayr Abu Hinnis begin in the early morning hours as Coptic pilgrims ferry across the Nile, singing and clapping...
Date of source: Monday, November 5, 2018
This text is a translation of the Menno Simons lecture of Prof. Dr. Hans Achterhuis, November 2014. It was later published under the title “Vreedzaam vechten is de weg” (Peaceful fighting is the way) in the magazine 'Streven,' October 2015. It later was translated for and published by Arab-West...
Date of source: Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Dr. Janneke Stegeman’s call for ecumenism with Islam is sympathetic. The problem, however, is the blend of religion and politics. Rulers/governments tend to make use of religion for their own benefit. Religious leaders, on the other hand, try to win the support of the political leaders of their...
Date of source: Tuesday, October 23, 2018
An article in memorium of Metropolitan Bishop Bishoy (1942-2018)