Displaying 91 - 100 of 1693.
His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom has spoken about Christian persecution around the world.  
The State Information Service reported on a new initiative to promote domestic Christian tourism. 
For many women in Egypt, fending off catcalls and lewd comments is a grim routine of daily life.
Excerpts: "A misspelling of her name has kept Salwa Mehrez locked up until today. Mehrez, who studied engineering, was arrested in June 2014 among others who were protesting against the protest law. She was tried and convicted for violating the same draconian law she was protesting against."  "A...
Revolutionary grafitti is gradually being removed by local authorities.
Al-Sisi pardoned 100 young activists and journalist one day before he was set to travel to New York to attend to the UN General Assembly. The decree, officially named No. 386/2015, was quickly branded as an Eid pardon. Most of the activists released were defendants in the following infamous cases:...
In a Jesuit-run magazine in 1957, Rev. J.J.W. Murphy recalled a meeting with a Christian priest in Egypt ten years prior. "I was surprised then at what he told me of Muslim hostility to Christianity and of the possibility that persecution would break out," Murphy wrote. "Now I know that his...
Editor AWR: This is just an excellent article! The ‘Persecution Industry’ Paul Sedra describes is causing so much harm to Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt. It is deliberately distorting social realities in Egypt, taking problems that do exist out of context and with this they create fear among...
Al-Amr bil-Maarouf wal-Nahy an al-Munkar (AMNM), literally Commanding Virtue and Banning Vice, is the vice police Egyptians used to hear of in the more conservative Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia. Dressed in Islamic garb, its members roam the streets to check passers-by are adhering to the...


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