Why things could get even worse for reporters in Egypt

Columbia Journalism Review
Date of source:
17 Jul 2015

Ruth Michaelson discusses FactCheckEgypt of the State Information Service that is asking journalists to quote government sources and issue corrections if this is not done.On July 4, Egypt’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs distributed “a sheet of advised terms for militant groups to foreign journalists at a press briefing. Instead of referring to the so-called Islamic State, the government recommends that journalists call its members “slaughterers” or “assassins.””

It turned out that FactCheckEgypt is connected to Rhonda Roland Shearer, founder and head of iMediaEthics. FactCheckEgypt is a product of “free training by iMediaEthics, and is developing with State Information Service.” Shearertold the Huffington Post that this training began a year ago.

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