Unfortunate events occurred in the ‘Umrāniyyah district of Giza yesterday as riots broke out against the governorate’s decision to discontinue the illegal building of a church.
18 policemen were injured as well as 23 civilians. One civilian was killed. The front gates of the Giza Governorate Headquarters were severely damaged in attempts to pressure the governor into allowing the building to continue. The protestors used Molotov cocktails and threw rocks at security forces, who hit back with tear gas bombs, turning the area into a battlefield.
Coptic human rights lawyer Najīb Jabrā’īl blames the head of the ‘Umrāniyyah city council, claiming him to be directly responsible for using force. Jabrā’īl also declared his intention to lead a boycott against the National Democratic Party.
Secular Coptic leader Kamāl Zākhir said that the current situation is so critical that President Muhammad Husnī Mubārak must interfere.
Jamāl As‘ad said that engaging with protestors was not the best way for state security to handle the situation, predicting fierce reactions from Copts abroad.
Meanwhile, Coptic website "coptsunited.com" published false information about the incident, stating that 40 Copts were killed after state security broke into a church and beat protestors, including schoolchildren, with sticks.
Key Words: ‘Umrāniyyah – Giza – Bishop Dumadius – Pope Shenouda III – Najīb Jabrā’īl – Kamāl Zākhir