This article describes three of the most important events from the month of February, 2010. It begins with the dismissal of Kamal Abul-Magd from the National Council for Human Rights. No direct reason was given for his ousting, as he has been capable and hard working at his post of deputy head of the NCHR. It is believed by many that the reason for his dismissal lies in the fact that he was so vocal concerning the numerous human rights violations in Egypt. Secondly was the decision by the General Assembly of the State Council to deny women the right to be appointed to the Council. The author notes that this is a grave violation of women's rights in Egypt. Lastly is the acquittal of four men charged with the violent murder of a 61 year old Copt in Dairut. His son had had an affair with a young Muslim woman, and then fled the area. The murder of the father was a retribution killing.