Headline: Unknown Head Belongs to Pakistani who Entered Alexandria Three Days before Church Attack, Reported to Security
Source: al-Misrī al-Yawm
Page: 1
Author: Nabīl Abū Shāl, Muhammad ‘Abd al-Khāliq Misāhil, Fātimah Zīdān, Dālyā ‘Uthmān, Hudá Rashwān, Yūsuf al-‘Ūmī, and Nāsir al-Sharqāwī
Keywords: Pakistan, Alexandria
Headline: Nazīf: Alexandria Church Explosion Showed Societal Aggression, Proved Extremists as Minority
Source: al-Misrī al-Yawm
Page: 1
Author: Sarah Nūr al-Dīn
Keywords: Alexandria church bombing
Headline: Vatican Calms Down with Egypt, Appreciates Efforts to Avoid Sectarianism
Source: Al-Shurūq al-Jadīd
Page: 1
Author: AFP
Keywords: Vatican, Alexandria church bombing, Pope Benedict
Headline: National Unity Targeted in Egypt, New Citizenship Laws Being Worked on, Says Nazīf
Source: al-Ahrām
Page: 1
Author: Not mentioned
Keywords: Ahmad Nazīf, Alexandria church bombing
Headline: Crime Lab Reports Exclude Multiple Suspects in Alexandria’s crime
Source: al-Akhbār
Page: 1
Author: Ashraf Sharaf and Huwaydā Fathī
Keywords: Alexandria church bombing
Headline: Train Shooting Suspect: I don’t Know the Victims; I’m Sick and Depressed
Source: al-Akhbār
Page: 1
Author: Not mentioned
Keywords: Minya, ‘Āmir ‘Āshūr
Headline: Two Officers, Four Recruits Injured in Coptic Protests in Manshiyyat Nāsir
Source: al-Akhbār
Page: 19
Author: Khayrī Hisīn
Keywords: Manshiyyat Nāsir
Headline: Suspect of 8 Salafīs in Alexandria’s explosions
Source: al-Shurūq al-Jadīd
Page: 1
Author: Mamdūh Hasan and Muhammad Fu’ād
Keywords: Salafī, Alexandria church bombing
Headline: Public Prosecution's Investigation into Alexandria Attack: End of Hearings with 120 of Injured Security Officers
Source: al-Ahrām
Page: 22
Author: Rāmī Yāsīn
Keywords: Alexandria church bombing
Headline: Today: Revelation of Alexandria Church Attack ‘Mystery’
Source: al-Ahrār
Page: 1
Author: Salāh Darār
Keywords: Alexandria church bombing
Headline: ‘Ādil Hammūdah Investigation: Alexandria Church Attack Started with Two Explosions within a Half Minute, Controlled Remotely
Source: al-Fajr
Page: 3
Author: Not mentioned
Keywords: Alexandria church bombing