Khālid Abū al-Fadl, an Egyptian residing in the United States, chairman of the Islamic philosophy department in the U.S. University of Yale and former member of the U.S. Congress United States Commission on International Religious Freedoms (USCIRF), dismissed reported pressures by the U.S. on SCAF over recent stands regarding the dissolution of parliament and releasing a complementary constitutional declaration.
“Recent discussions in the United States all centered on the need to back SCAF in its decisions and in case presidential candidate Ahmad Shafīq wins by using an official U.S. administration discourse showing anger on the outward and support on the inward,” said Abū al-Fadl.
He added that there was also talk in U.S. circles to provide Egypt with an aid package during the next few months if Shafīq wins. [Nashwá al-Hūfī, al-Misrī al-Yawm, June 24, p. 9] Read original text in Arabic