In a bloody terrorist attack by extremist jihādī groups supported by jihādī elements in the Gaza Strip on Sunday (Aug. 5), sixteen Egyptian army soldiers were killed and seven others wounded in the city of Rafah while they were starting to have their iftār meal.
“Jihādists sneaked from the Gaza Strip via underground tunnels and attacked a border checkpoint on Egypt’s eastern borders in coordination with other jihādists in the areas of al-Mahdīyah and Jabal al-Halāl, leaving 16 soldiers killed and seven others wounded, some of them in serious condition,” according to an official security source.
The terrorists, after showering the soldiers with bullets in a sudden attack, took an armored vehicle and drove towards border point 16 in the area of Karm Abū Sālim that links Egypt to Israel and Gaza but the Israeli army fired a rocket on the vehicle, killing four of the insurgents whose bodies were totally charred.
The official page of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) said that President Muhammad Mursī called for an emergency meeting with the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) to discuss reverberations of the attack. [Ahmad Salīm, Mamdūh Sha’bān, Ashraf Abū al-Hawl and Husām Zāyīd, al-Ahrām, Aug. 6, p. 1] Read original text in Arabic