The international organization Human Rights Watch has requested that the government follow up on recent sectarian violence and commission an investigation into human rights abuses. The organization stated that the government was indirectly responsible for the events in al-Khusūs and for police failures outside the Cathedral. Nadīm Hawrī, deputy Middle East and North Africa director said that President Morsi must recognize that sectarian violence in Egypt is a deep and longstanding problem in Egypt and that decisive action is needed before it goes any further. Hawrī noted that for years people have been getting away with sectarian murder and that the President must break the cycle of impunity and reform laws that discriminate against Egyptian Christians right to worship. The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights pointed out that sectarian violence has increased in frequency and intensity, especially since 2008, and that of the five major events of sectarian violence only one of them, the events in Dahshūr, has been investigated, and that that investigation didn’t result in any prosecutions. Moreover, the Morsi government has completely failed to investigate sectarian violence under the previous military government (Peter Majdī, al-Tahrīr, Apr. 8, p. 5). Read original text in Arabic.