A meeting of the General Coptic Organization Authority (CGA) (that was held few days ago in one of Cairo’s hotels) was harshly interrupted by Coptic activists.
According to Hanī Ramsīs, coordinator of Maspero Coptic Youth Union (MCYU), CGA members do not represent the issue of Christians since they have accepted to become members of the Constituent Assembly, advocating, thus, Islamist (Muslim Brotherhood) political agendas.
According to Sharīf Dūs, head of the Coptic General Authority (CGA), the activists’ rejection of the CGA erupted when he (Doss) supported Abū al-Futūh one of the last presidential election candidates.
[Author’s note: Abū al-Futūh, a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood, does not enjoy the confidence of a large number of Christian Copts.]
Upon the meeting, the CGA released a number of recommendations- among which was the annulment of the Citizenship Committees.
Pope Tawadros II, who has on many occasions stressed that the Church will not become a place for political debates, discourages the annulment of the citizenship committees, at least for the time being, he added.
The Egyptian Christian writer and founder of the Christian Brothers Movement, Michel Fahmi attacked some of the CGA members as traders to the Christian issues. [Mīrā Mamdūh, Rose al-Yūsuf, Jan. 14, p. 1] Read original text in Arabic