Dr. Olav Tveit, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), sent a cable to the leaders of the Egyptian churches stressing the support of the council for the continuous efforts to preserve the unity of the Egyptian people.
Dr. Rev. Andrea Zakī, deputy head of the Coptic Evangelical Church and General Director of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS), said in a statement on Saturday (July 13) that the cable included a statement, written out by Tveit and leaders of the WCC, condemning all forms of violence conducted as means of resolving conflicts in Egypt, which has cost the lives of dozens and left hundreds wounded. He supported the efforts granted by the Church in Egypt to work side by side with its partners among the Muslims and all political parties, civil society organizations, and the decision makers to facilitate the build up of peace through the process of reconciliation, that may lead the nation to recovery.