The Egyptian governorates protests officially authorized the Army to fight terrorism. In Alexandria, after Friday prayer, all the citizens chanted in front of al-Qā’id Ibrāhīm Mosque “the army and the people are one hand”. In Suez bedouin tribes of al-‘Ayn al-Sukhnah and ‘Atāqah mountains, along with other tribes in Qena, took part in the demonstrations giving their “green light” to the armed forces. In Mansūrah, tribal groups came after the prayer and joined marches spreading after Iftār in all over the city. A mammoth demonstration started from al-Nūr Mosque led by the Middle East pioneer of kidney’s transplant Muhammad Ghunaym. Political and civil movements along with public and workers' movements from the governorate of Red Sea announced their full support to the call of Col. Gen. ‘Abd al-Fattāh al-Sīsī, Minister of Defense. Egyptians gathered in the prominent squares in every town (Author is not mentioned, al-Tahrīr, July 27, p. 3). The article has no link online.