Late Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda’s secretary and head of the Coptic Cultural Centre Bishop Armiyā (Jeremiah) has always worked in silence; however, his work and efforts are admirably reflected in the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center at Anbā Ruwaws Church (Saint Roweiss Church).
In an interview with Ranyā Nabīl, al-Sabāh, Bishop Armiyā said that the Centre, located inside the walls of the Cathedral in al-‘Abbāsīyyah, was established by late Pope Shenouda III on November 14, 2000, its objective being to promote Coptic studies and information on all things concerned with the Church.
The library of the Centre is opened for the public, not only for Christians, Bishop Armiyā added, and it offers a collection of books on childhood and a large encyclopedia on Islam, which late Pope Shenouda III had bequeathed to the Centre .
Besides, it offers courses for learning English, Spanish, and Hebrew, in addition to the Coptic language and its dialects, as well as antique and modern Greek.
When asked on the televised channel transmitted directly from inside the Cathedral, Bishop Armiyā explained that the Coptic Television Channel (CTC) had been inaugurated by late Pope Shenouda in November 2010. Being an educative and instructive channel owned by the Church, it addresses all Egyptians, as it broadcasts news, political and social programs, and parental guiding programs. He noted that the channel focuses on social behavior as animation series making it accessible and attractive for children. When asked whether the channel presents religious programs, the Bishop confirmed that a number of programs present spiritual guidance and the basics of the Christian faith for youth. The Center, he said, hopes to be able to present contests in which a broader public can participate.
On the financing of the Center, Bishop Armiyā explained that these are funds from congregation members living inside and outside Egypt. However, he commented, advertisements as well will be a financing source in future.
When asked on how he perceives the role of the new Patriarch Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II, Armiyā replied that the new Pope has served long as parish priest, acquiring, thus, profound experiences which qualify him to wisely guide the Church while keeping pace with time.
To the question on President Mursī, Bishop Armiyā commented that, though he met the President five times, he never had the opportunity to know him closer; however, he is confident that he (President Mursī) seeks to get the country safely out of its hardship (Ranyā Nabīl, al-Sabāh, Jan. 27, p. 11). Read original text in Arabic.