Member of the Shūrá Council Dr. Mājid Al ꞌAqqād said that he had submitted his resignation from the Shūrá Council last Friday. He had announced his resignation is a reaction to the violence that took place in front of the presidential palace between protesters and police, and what he described as "unjustified violence of the police against demonstrators".
He pointed out that he was eye witness to the demonstrations that were peaceful until some youth launched fireworks. According to al-'Aqqād, the youth are known to the police, who could have easily control and arrest them, but left them using violence against them. Al-'Aqqād pointed specifically to the infamous video showing Hamādah Sābir ‘Alī stripped naked and dragged by Central Security Forces, describing the incident as "a crime by all standards and a disgrace to the police and the state after the January Revolution”. Al-'Aqqād said he felt obligated to resign as a member of Egypt’s legislative power in an expression of assumed responsibility.
He stressed that his resignation from the Shūrá is the least action taken to manifest his objection to the policy of the system and the system as a whole, pointing out that he was willing to question the government and the Minister of the Interior, but the Shūrá Council does not have this authority (John ‘Abd al-Malāk, al-Misrīyūn, Feb. 3, p. 3). Read original text in Arabic.