The internal regulations provide six goals: cooperation between the churches of Egypt on common issues; initiation of theological dialogues between churches; organization of activities that contribute to the support of the Christian presence in Egypt; the issuing of documents that express a shared Christian opinion; broadening of the idea of Christian unity; activating the Islamic-Christian dialogue. Churches should work under the umbrella of the Council of Churches of the Middle East.
The official spokesperson for Pope Tawadros and member of the Executive Committee for the Council of Churches of the Middle East said to Al-Watan that the heads of churches will meet on February 18, 2013 at the Coptic Orthodox Church in al-‘Abāsīyyah to sign the internal regulations.
In another development, Maspero Youth Union revealed that there would be a march from Shubrā to the High Court, stopping in front of the office of the general prosecutor to request the release of imprisoned Copts accused of armed robbery. The Union explained that the Copts held in Muslim Brotherhood prisons are the victims while President Muhammad Mursī continues to protect the real perpetrators.
The Maspero Youth Union said it is going to use all legitimate means to achieve the rights of their martyrs and the freedom of their prisoners (Mustafá Rahūmah, al-Watan, Feb. 8, p. 7). Read original text in Arabic.