On February 21, 2014, Hala Shukrallah made history. As a Copt and as a woman, she won the internal elections for leadership in the Constitution Party, founded by Muhammad al-Barād’ī in April 2012. The party quickly won the support and membership of many youth, inspired by the goals and principles of the revolution.
Shukrallah, aged 60, does not fit their profile but has a long activist history in liberal and leftist causes. But neither age, religion, or gender mattered much to party members; the second place finisher was also a woman.
Arab West Report sat down for an interview with Hala Shukrallah on May 18, after the party announced its support for Hamdīn Sabbāhī against eventual runaway winner ‘Abd al-Fattāh al-Sīsī. The interview asked about this choice, but also probed Shukrallah’s opinions, as a Copt, on church, state, and politics. Her comments are insightful.