The project to criminalise anti-Zionism like anti-Semitism is merely an attempt to intimidate anyone who criticises Israeli policy.
During the 1970s, Arabs joined forces to condemn Zionism, finding global support from many countries to enforce the United Nations Regulation 3379 which expresses that Zionism is “an example of racism and racial discrimination”, and calls the nations of the world to “resist the Zionist ideology, which poses a threat to global peace and security”.
However, with the weakening of the Arab forces following the invasion of Kuwait and America’s declaration of war on Iraq, Israel found itself in a position of strength. Israel therefore, made the removal of this regulation a condition of its participation in the 1991 Madrid peace conference and the regulation was repealed.
Through its lobbies in powerful positions in worldwide capitals, Israel has sought to stifle all voices which denounce Zionism as a racist project that denies the Palestinians their right to a state and to life like that of other humans.