Displaying 1471 - 1480 of 5765.
Saudi Arabian newspaper Al-Watan praised the appointment of Hishām Qandīl as the new Prime Minister (PM) of Egypt and described it as a "positive move". Al-Watan added that appointing Egypt's PM was long overdue since President Muhammad Mursī came to power and was important for maintaining...
Dr. Muhammad Badī’, General Murshid (Guide) of the Muslim Brotherhood group, and several other leaders held a closed-door meeting in the guide’s office with Ismā'īl Hanīyah, head of the Hamas government in Gaza. They discussed several issues, chiefly the Palestinian issue and how to solve it...
Saudi Arabian security forces have released Mūsá Ja'far al-Mabyūq after his involvement in unrest in al-Qatīf Province (Eastern region). He was on the wanted list of the largely Shī’ah area which has seen intermittent disturbances.
Members of the Shūrá Council pre-empted the Administrative Court session by resigning from the Constituent Assembly. President Muhammad Mursī approved law 97 of year 2012, concerning the criteria of the Constituent Assembly line-up, which parliament accepted before its dissolution.
Egyptian Churches rejected the meeting called by American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with Christian leaders which took place at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo yesterday (June 15, 2012).
  The Islamic Jihād leader Yāsir Sa'd announced that a number of Islamic Jīhad members support presidential hopeful Ahmad Shafīq, former Prime Minister, in the coming presidential elections. He said that voters have a choice between a civil state represented by Shafīq and a religious state...
  Clashes erupted between hundreds of fundamentalist Salafī demonstrators and Tunisian police forces in the morning hours of June 12. The protesters were upset by an art exhibition which they considered "offensive" to Muslims. After a Salafī group had stormed and distorted the exhibition the...
On June 11, 2012, the Egyptian People's Assembly will discuss a report by its Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee, dealing with the criteria for selection of the members of the Constituent Assembly. Meanwhile, the People's Assembly is receiving nominations for membership of the...
  In a fierce verbal attack, Mahmūd al-Ghizlān, spokesman of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), accused presidential candidate Ahmad Shafīq of lying and representing the old, bloodstained regime. He totally rejected Shafīq's comments about the MB and its candidate Muhammad Mursī, denouncing them as “...
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, said that the people of Iran and Egypt should have a leading role to the people of the world, and should unite to achieve justice and reinforce religious values. MEHR News, Iranian news agency, said that Ahmadinejad's statement came...


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