Displaying 2301 - 2310 of 5773.
This article summarizes the effects of the flash floods on January 18th, 2010, throughout Egypt. Many were killed, and even more were displaced by the torrential rains. Many houses and buildings were also destroyed by the flooding. The flooding affected many places in the Sinai peninsula as well as...
While Girgis Bārūmī Girgis denied having raped the Muslim minor girl, the girl confirmed the rape. The forensic report, however, proved a recent rupture in the hymen.
This article summarizes the incident of Nag Hammadi on Christmas Eve, and the charges issued against the assailants. The three men who are charged with the shooting will go on trial on the 13th of February for a number of charges, a single one warranting the death sentence. The article also...
Islamists attack a young imām in France deeming him kāfir because of his approval for a face veil ban in France
Sectarian violence kills 192 people in Nigeria.
This article gives a brief background on the various Christian communities in the Middle East, emphasizing the decline of the Christian population over the last century. This is a result of emigration to western Europe and America, driven by several factors, among them persecution
MP ‘Abd al-Raīm al-Ghūl asks Copts to stop calling for things that are difficult to achieve.  
Mufīd Shihāb discusses human rights conditions in Egypt with the assistant of the American Secretary of State for Democracy and Human Rights Affairs. .
Asia Times covers the Najc Hammādī incidents, linking the attacks to the alleged rape of a Muslim teenager in Farshūt. The article also picks up on reports of anti-Christian shouting in the town.  
Following the killing of 6 Christians in Najc Hammādī, Watani International publishes reports rioting in nearby Bahgura, where Coptic shops and homes were reportedly attacked and set alight.


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