Displaying 311 - 320 of 5776.
The Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organization, founded by Counselor Najīb Jabrā’īl, in cooperation with the local and international groups, threatened to demand the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to send international fact-finding commissions to gather evidence from all sources and...
Members of the judiciary in Alexandria started a sit-in on Friday (November 23) prior to their participation in extraordinary meetings of the Judges Clubs’ general assemblies scheduled to be held today (November 24) in protest over the recent decrees by President Mursī.
Reactions of Egyptians on the streets escalated over decrees by President Muhammad Mursī on Thursday (November 22) sacking the public prosecutor and immunizing his decisions as political, betraying deep divisions within the society as opponents termed them as “rehash of past dictatorship”. [Author...
Counselor Najīb Jabrā’īl, Chairman of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organization, filed a report with Public Prosecutor ‘Abd al-Majīd Mahmūd in which he accused al-Hāfiz channel of instigation to have him and Priest Philopater killed and also of inciting hatred and sparking fitnah tā’fīyah
A special session of the Syndicate of Journalists expressed flat rejection of recent decisions by the president of the republic under the name “constitutional declaration” for their “blunt assault on public freedoms, rule of law and independence of the judiciary,” asserting that the syndicate quit...
Meanwhile, the Central Agency for Organization and Administration (CAOA) called for the independence of control bodies and their chairpersons as far as appointment to public posts is concerned and also for investing them with legal immunity.
Fārūq Husnī, the former minister of culture, said he hoped there would be no plans to settle accounts with him over his past remarks regarding his position towards the hijāb, noting the he sticks to his personal conviction that the hijāb should be classified as personal option.
Pope Tawāḍrus II, in a written speech delivered on his behalf by Bishop Pachomius, underlined the importance of an undivided patronizing of the church at the level of all parishes, stressing joint action and unity for the sake of the nation’s peace.
The majority of Egyptian courts continued their work while other courts went on a strike in protest against the new constitutional declaration issued by President Muḥammad Mursī last week.   
Former Grand Muftī of the Republic Shaykh Naṣr Farīd Wāṣil, who represents the Azhar on the constituent assembly writing a new constitution for Egypt, said he does not see any reason for the withdrawal of the representatives of churches from the constitution panel, adding the differences are not...


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