Displaying 321 - 330 of 5776.
Bishop Armiyā, secretary of late Pope Shenouda III, said it was the Holy Synod that picked Bishop Pachomius as acting patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church, wondering why Bishop Pachomius should be relieved now. 
The church had commenced on Monday (October 1) fasting for three days to pray for the smooth election of the 118th pope of the See of Saint Mark. 
The nominations committee is holding a meeting at the Saint Mark Cathedral in the Cairo district of al-‘Abbāssīyah under acting patriarch Bishop Pachomius to reconsider the date for holding the election.  
Albair Sābir ‘Ayyād, a 27-year-old Christian young man who is under investigative custody on charges he disdained religions, dismissed the accusations and said what he spoke about on his social media networking websites Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages already exist in comparative theology and...
Al-Shurūq al-Jadīd newspaper published a cartoon deriding the Muslim Brotherhood’s domination over state positions. It showed three Christian clergymen telling a child, supposedly the one to take the alter lot to name of one three finalists as pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church on Sunday (November...
Sunday (November 4) will mark the altar lot that would name a new pope to succeed Pope Shenouda III, who passed away on March 17, 2012, among three candidates – Bishop Raphael, Bishop Tawdrus and Archpriest Raphael Ava Mina.
Public Coptic figures agreed that acting patriarch Bishop Pachomius has successfully run the transitional period that has been tough for the church. [
The ceremony to elect three out of five candidates in the papal elections was carried by the Egyptian TV and radio thanks to support from the church and the voting committee.
Hudá Mikhail ‘Abd al-Malik, a former director general from Cairo, praised women’s representation in the committee overseeing the papal elections.
Bishop Antonius of Ireland and Scotland said all expatriate Copts are keen on attending the great day of elections that some of them had private flight reservations, adding all Copts would cooperate with the new patriarch for the good of the church. [


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