Displaying 3681 - 3690 of 5782.
An official of the Coptic Orthodox Clerical Council affirms that there are not more than 4,000 marital conflicts which have reached the clerical council among Copts in Egypt and abroad.
A new Kuwaiti press law prohibits the imprisonment of journalists.
The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Inter-Cultural Dialogue has announced the beginning of a new youth campaign in 35 countries that aims at encouraging youths to express their views as well as creating links between young people overseas.
The prosecution of Qinā has renewed the detention of 12 defendants accused of involvement in the sectarian strife that took place in the village of al-‘Udaysāt, south of Luxor.
Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino, head of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, expresses his support for the idea of teaching Islam to students in Italian schools.
The Dutch Ministry of Education and Culture has announced the launch of a new project to allow Muslim imāms and preachers to graduate from the University of Leiden with governmental finance.
‘Abd al-Jawwād Abu Kabb has finished a scenario of a comic political film about the parliamentary performance of the Muslim Brotherhood.
In its last issue, Al-Fajr published the story of a Christian woman who converted to Islam and divorced her Christian husband to marry a Muslim. The paper was accused of provoking sectarian sedition and taking sides. Therefore the paper published a priest’s response and a legal clarification.
Sharīfa Mas‘oud, a blind Copt, rejects the idea that when an individual does not experience miracles, it is due to the lack of faith in God.
Stories of miraculous healings among Copts by contemporary saints has becomes a phenomenon that deserves study. Rose al-Yousuf examines the phenomenon from a neutral perspective to show real reasons for the appearance of such stories.


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