Displaying 3711 - 3720 of 5782.
The Kuwaiti National Assembly witnessed a very heated debate over educational strategy and reform of school curricula. The 14-member Islamic parliamentary bloc stressed that it will use its constitutional tools against the Minister of Education in case he was influenced by claims that the current...
Kuwaiti Minister of Education Dr. Rashid Al-Hamad announced yesterday that Kuwait is upgrading its school curricula in order to omit any texts that encourage religious extremism.
Last Christmas Eve, Bashir Toma Elias was shot dead in the center of Basra´s market while he was on his way back home to celebrate Christmas with his five children. Elias´ murder revived Christians´ fear of the growth of religious fanaticism in Southern Iraq, which is inhabited by a...
The Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Ali Goma´a, denied the fatwa attributed to him regarding a woman´s right to receive a payment for serving her husband and children. He said that his words in this respect were distorted and taken out of context.
The Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, Ma’moun Al-Hudaiby, urged Christians all over the world to stand up to Western policies in general and American policies in particular along with Muslims.
[Al-Ahrar almost certainly took the news from Islam Online. See http://islam-online.net/English/News/2003-12/27/article03.shtml. See this site also for links on this subject] Shrouded in secrecy and under the guise of humanitarian aid, American missionaries, mainly evangelicals, are pouring into...
The British paper Daily Telegraph reported that American missionary groups are working secretly to save Iraqis by converting them to Christianity before the American occupation of Iraq ends officially in June 2004. The paper added that groups belonging to the fundamentalist Christian movement in...
Last Monday, the activities of the conference “Islam and the West in a Changing World” were concluded in Sudan. The conference aimed at presenting an Islamic view of the relationship with the West under the slogan “Interaction without melting and distinction without introversion." A large number...
The article is a letter by Dr. Sherif Dous, a Copt. He speaks about the strong relationship between Copts and Muslims in Egypt. In spite of this strong relationship, some periods of Egypt history witnessed frictions, or even conflicts, between Muslims and Copts.
Mustafa Bakri, Editor-in-Chief of Al-Usboa, filed a complaint to the General Prosecutor in which he accused Saad Eddin Ibrahim of provoking foreign powers against Egypt. At the same time, Ibrahim filed a complaint against Bakri, accusing him of libel in Al-Usboa newspaper.


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