Displaying 3751 - 3760 of 5782.
The article mentions verses from the Holy Qur’an and stories from the Sunna in order to prove that Islam is totally against terrorism. The author argues that attributing terrorism to Islam is just like attributing the evil of wine to grapes.
The article reports about the statements the Grand Imam of the Azhar Dr. Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi made to Israeli TV in which he announced that martyrdom operations are haram [unlawful] and that the one who carries them out is committing suicide. The Grand Mufti, along with 38 other Muslim scholars...
The US Department of State defended the American ambassador in Cairo, David Welch, with regard to the accusations directed to him for interfering in the affairs of the Egyptian press.
The article is an overview of a French book titled “Bonaparte Et Mahomet” [Bonaparte and Muhammad] by Ahmed Youssef from the Ahram Bureau in Paris. The book starts with a question: If Bonaparte expressed some admiration of Islam to deceive Azhar sheikhs [so as to win their support], why he did not...
The head of the Egyptian Book Organization Samir Sarhan rejected a recommendation by the Azhar to confiscate the book of “Wasaya fi Eshq Al-Nisaa” [commandments in women’s love] by Al-Shahawi published by his organization. Sarhan pointed out that the book carries no offense against religion.
The article is about a research made by Dr. Aishaa, Mahmoud Abdel Aal, Egyptian archeology professor at the Kulayet Al-Banat [faculty of young women] of Ain Shams University on the authenticity of footprints attributed to Prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ found in Egyptian churches and mosques. The...
An American Jewish group condemned a referendum done by the European Union which showed that 60% of the Europeans feel that Israel threatens the international peace more than North Korea, Iran and Afghanistan. The group described the result of the referendum as a “shock” and reflection of “anti-...
Major Islamic organizations in the United States boycotted the iftar dinner at the White House in protest of the American president´s negligence of issues of the Muslim community in the US.
broadcasting the series “Al-Shatat” [Diaspora] aired by Hizbullah´s Al-Manar [Lighthouse] Channel. The series discusses the Zionist conspiracy to establish a Jewish empire to control the world.
Under the pretext that it is anti-semitic, Washington criticized the TV serial “Al-Shataat” [Diaspora] aired by Al-Manar TV, [which is] affiliated with Hizbullah, during Ramadan. Spokesman for the US Department of State mentioned that his country strongly objects to any expression of anti-Semitism...


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