Displaying 1 - 3 of 3.
Following a three-day meeting, a group of bishops and metropolitans who had split from the main Ethiopian Orthodox Church established an ethnic and regional synod known as the “Tigray Orthodox Tewahedo Church Synod” based on a recently published canon law.
Anbā Kyrillos was born Sīdārūs Marqus Jirjis in al-Naghāmīsh village of al-Balyanā town in the Sūhāj province of southern Egypt, but his year of birth is not accurately known. He was brought up by his father to be a devout Christian, and memorized the church hymns and psalms from a young age, and...
Following a three-day meeting, a group of bishops and archbishops who had split from the Ethiopian Orthodox Church formed the “Tigray Orthodox Tewahedo Church Synod,” an ethnic and regional synod, based on a recently produced “Church canon.”
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