

List of persons names (and their functions) used in AWR-Articles

(Click on name to display relevant articles)

Name Function
Ḥanafī Jabālī

Member of the Egyptian House of the Representatives (2020-2021)

Ḥanān al-Badrī

Author; Journalist

Ḥanān Badawī


Ḥanān Fikrī

Author; Journalist

Ḥanān Ḥajjāj


Ḥanān Muḥammad

Author; Journalist

Ḥanān Munīb
Ḥanān Rasmī [Hanan Rasmi]

Young Coptic woman from al-Umrāniyāh / Kafr al-Sheikh / Nile Delta  that is reported to have been abducted by TukTuk drivers [Ref. AWR, 2007, week 27, art. 36 and: Arab-West Report, Paper 6, p. 17]

Ḥanān Sulaymān


Ḥanān Turk

Egyptian Veiled actress

Ḥanān Yūsuf (Dr.)

Lecturer on International Media at cAyn Shams University, Executive chairman of the Arab Organization for International Cooperation

Ḥanān ʿAshrāwī

Prominent Christian Palestinian figure

Ḥanāniyyā Mikhāʾīl Jirjis [Hananiya Mikhail Girgis] (Father)
Hānī Aḥmad Rizq


Hānī al Kātib [Hany El Kateb] (Dr.)
Hānī al-Dīb
Hānī al-Sibāʿī (Dr.)

Founder and Director of Al-Maqrizī Center for Historical Studies in London; Lawyer; Member of members of the shura of Egyptian Islamic Jihad

Hānī al-ʿAṣr (Mr.)

Journalist for Al-Dustūr newspaper; Author

Hānī Bahīj


Hānī Bahnā [founder of Egyptian Coptic Union]
Hānī Dāniyāl [Hani Daniel]


Hānī Faraj Zākī [Hani Faraj Zaki]

involved in bureaucratic problems related to being officially recognized as Muslim, cases reported about in Sawt al-Ummah [Ref. Arab-West Report, Paper 6, p. 9]

Hānī Fawzī
Hānī Ḥakīm
Hānī Ḥannā ʿAzīz (Dr.)

Author, Head of the International Committee for Restoration at the International Council for Museums

Hānī Hilāl (Dr.)

Egyptian Minister of Higher Education and State for Scientific Research (Since 2005)

Hānī Kharrāṭ
Hānī Labīb

Journalist; Member of the Coptic Secular Group demanding reform of the Coptic Church

Hānī Mihannā
Hānī Mikāwī
Hānī Mīna Mikhā’īl (Dr.)
Hānī Ramsīs [Member of the MYU executive office]
Hānī Raslān

head of the Sudan and Nile Basin Unit at al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies

Hānī Ṣādiq

Brother of ʾIrīnī Ṣādiq, a Coptic Christian girl who had reportedly been kidnapped in Egypt in March 1996.

Hānī Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn
Hānī Sāmiḥ (Egyptian Lawyer)

Egyptian lawyer

Hānī Shākir ( Media Spokesman Of Egypt's Episcopal Church)
Hānī Shukrallāh

Interviewer; Managing editor of Al-Ahram Weekly

Hānī Zayd


Hānī ʿAbd al-Raḥmān
Hānī ʿAbdullāh

Author; Journalist

Hānī ʿĀzir

International Expert.

Hānī ʿAzīz
Ḥanīf Qadīr
Ḥanīn Ḥussām (TikTok)
Hāniyya Buqtur

Sister of Romani Buqṭur, inhabitant of the village of el-Kashh/Sohag

Ḥanna al- Nayqūsī ‎
Ḥannā Grays

Coptic intellectual

Ḥannā Nārūz

An Egyptian lawyer and member of the Bar Association Council

Ḥannā ʿAmīra (Palestine)
Hannah Arendt
Ḥannāʾ Fawzī ʿAlī al-Shirākī
Hans Achterhuis (Prof. Dr.)

Dutch Philosopher. 

Hans Bemelmans

Volkenkundig Museum in Rotterdam

Hans Jansen (Dr.)

Dutch Arabist, advisor of the far-right politician Geert Wilders

Hans Koolstra

Father Koolstra Family, kidnapped in Yemen by tribe, 1999.

Hans Kueng (Prof. Dr.)

Swiss Catholic priest, controversial theologian, and prolific author, since 1995 he has been President of the Foundation for a Global Ethic (Stiftung Weltethos)

Hans Messen
Hans Putnam (Fr.)
Hans Spekman
Hans van den (b.1936)
Hans van den Broek

Born 1936, Member of Dutch Parliament (1976-1981), Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs (1982-1993) and Commissioner for External Relations of the European Union (1993-1999).


Hans van Mierlo

Hans van Mierlo was a former journalist and politician of the D66 party in the Netherlands. He worked for NRC Handelsblad before founding D66 together with Hans Gruijters. He has been a member of both the House of Representatives as well as the Senate. In the eighties he served as Minister of Defense and from 1994-1998 he was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as the Deputy Prime Minister. He retired in 1998.

Hansjochen Steinbrecher

Pastor at Deutsche Evangelische Kirche (DEG) (1996-2002)

HānƯ SamƯr; ZakārƯKamāl
Harald Motzki (Orientalist)

Harald Motzki is a German orientalist working in the field of hadith-literature at the University of Nijmegen

Harald Suermann (Dr.)
Harm Ede Botje (Journalist)
Harris Birkeland (Dr.)

Norwegian scholar (1904-1961). Author of the book The Lord Guideth Oslo, 1956. Birkeland shows that guidance is a central concept already in the earliest suras of the Qur’an.

Harry De Quetteville (Mr.)
Hārūn al-Rashīd (Caliph)

fifth Abbasid Caliph

Ḥasan Radwān (Chief State Security Court Advisor of Egypt)
Hāshim Ṣāliḥ

Author; Journalist

Ḥasība Ḥāj Saḥrāwī (Amnesty International)
Ḥasnāʾ Shaʿbān (Dr.)

first Egyptian female judge of an economic court (Tanta)

Ḥassan Abū Bāshā (General)

Former Egyptian Minister of the Interior

Ḥassan Abū Naʿama

A former Jordanian diplomat, writer, and lecturer.

Ḥassan Abū Ṭālib (Dr.)


Ḥassan al-Alfī

Former Egyptian Minister of Interior (1993-1997)

Ḥassan al-Bannā (Shaykh)

Founder and General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood (1928-1949)

Ḥassan al-Huḍaybī

Second General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood; Father of Muslim Brotherhood General Guide Ma'mūn al-Huḍaybī

Ḥassan al-Najjār
Ḥassan al-Qabbānī (Journalist)


Ḥassan al-Shāfiʿī [Hassan al-Shafei] (Shaykh)

Member of Al-Azhar’s Council of Senior Scholars. He withdrew from political discussions after the dispersal of the Muslim Brotherhood sit-ins in August 2013. After 2013 his focus is on his work as leader of Al-Azhar’s academy for the Arabic Language.

Ḥassan al-Zawwām


Ḥassan al-ʿAṭṭār (Shaykh)
Hassan El Banna
Ḥassan Ḥanafī (Dr.)

Professor of philosophy at Cairo University; Islamic thinker, prominent liberal thinker; Author


Hassan Hanizadeh

a columnist at the Mehr news agency

Ḥassan Ḥatḥūt (Dr.)

Chairman of the Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences in the U.S.; member of the Muslim Brotherhood; Author

Ḥassan Ḥifnī (Dr.)


Ḥassan Ḥumayḍa

Former governor of Minya

Hassan Ibn Thabet
Ḥassan Ibrāhīm

 Head of the economic establishment in Abd el Nasser's era

Ḥassan II (King of Morocco)

King of Morocco

Ḥassan Khalīl (Shaykh)
Ḥassan Mālik [Hassan Malek]

Businessman, in charge of the finances of the Muslim Brotherhood

Ḥassan Muḥammad Wajīh [Hassan Muhammad Wagieh] (Dr.)

Expert in Linguistics of Negotiation and Cross-Cultural Communication; professor of English at the Azhar University

Ḥassan Nāfiʿ (Professor of Political Science Cairo University)

Author; Professor of political science at Cairo University; Opposition party

Ḥassan Nājī
