Displaying 1 - 10 of 41.
[The text was written as a chapter for Freedom of Belief and Christian Mission, Edited by Hans Aage Gravaas, Christof Sauer, Tormod Engelsviken, Maqsood Kamil and Knud Jørgensen. Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series, Vol.
An article appeared in Tahrīr stating that the late Sayyid Qutb, main ideologue of the Muslim Brotherhood, was a freemason.
On Monday April 28th, the Minya Criminal Court sentenced 683 people to death in a controversial ruling, , including Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Muhammad Badī’, and former speaker of the Peoples Assembly, Saad al-Katātnī, for charges including inciting violence, murdering a police officer, and...
This report by Arab-West Report explains the context of the massive destruction of churches and Christian institutions in Egypt in August 2013.
Dr. Fāṭimah Sayyid Ahmad considers the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in politics, where this role originated, and how the Brotherhood justifies their calls to establish an Islamic state.
The author reviews a critical study by Kuwaiti thinker Abdullah al-Nafisy in his book titled ?Al-Haraka al-Islāmīyah?Ro?ya Mustaqbaliya?Awraq fi al-Naqd al-Zati? [Islamic movement?A future vision?Papers of self-criticism].The book includes a number of academic studies by Islamic thinkers who made...
Islam is a moderate religion that rejects discrimination and restrictions.


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