

List of persons names (and their functions) used in AWR-Articles

(Click on name to display relevant articles)

Name Function
Rāghib Iskandar

Former Coptic politician; Early member of the Wafd Party

Rāghib Muftāḥ (Dr.)

Scholar specialized in Coptic Orthodox Church music; Author

Rāghib ʿAyyād (Artist)
Raḥbānī Brothers
Rahm Emanuel
Rajab Abū Zayd (Mr.)

Member of the People’s Assembly, affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood

Rajab al-Bannā

Author; Editor-in-Chief of October Magazine

Rajab al-Murshidī (Mr.)

Journalist for Rose al-Youssuf newspaper

Rajab Būya

Grand mufti and president of the islamic community in Kosvo

Rajab Hilāl Ḥumayda

Member of the Egyptian People's Assembly for the Aḥrār Party

Rajab ʿAbd al-Munsīf

Chairman of the Central Administration of the Curriculum and the Prophetic Sunnah (Egypt)

Rajāʾī al-Mirghanī (National Coalition for the Freedom of the Press and the Media)
Rajāʾī al-ʿArabī (General)

Attorney general; Public prosecutor; Lawyer

Rajāʾī ʿAṭīyya (Dr.)

Lawyer; Author; Islamic Thinker; Member of the Muslim Brotherhood

Rājī Sulaymān
Rājiyya al-Jizrāwī (Dr.)

Physician at al-Nadeem Center, in 2009

Rajmohan Gandhi (Dr.)
Ralph Berenger (Dr.)

Senior lecturer in the department of journalism and mass communication at the AUC; former private investigator in the U.S.


Ralph Peters

author of the book ‘Hell or Richmond’ and a Fox News strategic analyst

Ramaḍān al-Jibālī

A Bedouin guide and guard at St. Catherine's Monastery

Ramaḍān Baṭīkh

professor of the constitutional law at Ain shams university

Ramaḍān Ḥassan (Dr.)

Head of the branch of the World Organization for al-Azhar Graduates, and Professor and Head of the Arabic language department at al-Azhar University

Ramaḍān Shaʿbān Muḥammad al-Fawāl

member of a terrorist cell. 

Ramaḍān ʿAbd al-Rāziq (Dr.)
Rāmī al-Ḥamdullillāh (Palestinian Prime Minister)
Rāmī al-Shīḥāwī

Spokesperson of Supreme Council for Sufī

Rāmī Fakhrī (Eng.)
Rāmī Kāmil

Coptic activist

Rāmī Lakaḥ

Coptic businessman; Former Member of the Parliament

Rāmī Rafīq (Lawyer)

Lawyer in Abū Fānā incident [see AWR Paper 15]

Rāmī Siyāj

head of a Cairo tourist company that runs trips to holy places in Palestine

Rāmī Yaʿqūb [Ramy Yacoub]

Deputy Director of the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy. Formerly, he served as the chief of staff and as a member of political office of the Free Egyptians Party. He was in 2014 an elected member of the Free Egyptians Party High Council. Ramy Yacoub holds a master’s degree in international affairs with a focus on US-Middle East relations from American University’s School of International Service. 

Rāmī ʿAṭā


Rāmiz Ikrām Fahīm Ghābiyyūs [Ramez Ikram]

ʿUmda/Village Head of the predominantly Christian village al-Saraqnā, appointed by the Ministry of Interior in 2007.

Rāmiz ʿAṭāllah (Dr.)
Ramsey Clark (Mr.)

Former United States Attorney General; Lawyer of Shaykh cUmar cAbd al-Raḥmān

Ramsīs Ruʾūf al-Najjār (Counselor)

Coptic lawyer and chief defense of the Middle East Christians Association

Ramy RafƯq
Ramy Kamel
Ramzī Zaqlama

President Assistant of the Wafd Party, former board member of Maurice Sadek’s Center for Human Right; Author

Ranā Ḥātim al-Shādhilī

Missing Muslim girl in Wāstá  in Beni Suef

Ranā Ḥussaynī


Ranā Mamdūḥ

Author; Journalist

Ranā ʿAllām

Daily News Egypt Editor-in-Chief

Rāndā Muqhār

member of Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies (Jordan)

Rāniyā al-Mashāṭ (Minister of Tourism)
Rāniyyā al-Badawī [Rania al-Badawi]

Egyptian TV-host at Al-Tahrir Channel

Rāniyyā al-ʿAbd Allāh [Rania al-Abdullah] (Queen)

Queen of Jordan (Since 1999)

Rāniyyā Bāsīlī


Rāniyyā Nabīl
Rāniyyā Riḍā Jūrjī [Rania Rida Georgy]

Coptic girl who got kidnapped in 2013

Rāniyyā Sālim


Rāniyyā Yūssuf (Actress)
Raphael Varga

 Representative of the Ambassador at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 

Raphael Zīyādah
Rashā Amīr


Rashā Labīb


Rashā Majdī
Rashād al-Bayyūmī (Dr.)

Head of the Students Department at the Muslim Brotherhood; Member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Guidance Bureau; Undersecretary of the syndicate of Scientists

Rashād al-Shāmī (Prof)

Professor at ʿAyn Shams University in 1995 and specialised in modern Hebrew literature. 

Rashād Khalīfa

Claimed to be a prophet; Denier of the Sunna

Rashed Fahim Mansou
Rāshid al-Ghannūshī (Shaykh)

Leader of the Tunisian Islamist opposition movement Hizb el-Nahda, living in exile in London

Rashīd Fahīm Manṣūr Abū ʿUrūq
Rashīd Ghamrī


Rasmī ʿAbd al-Malak Rustum (Dr.)

Head of the Coptic Studies Institute; Professor of educational planning at the National Center for Educational Research

Rasmus Alenius Boserup (Dr.)
Raymond Ibrāhim
Raymond de Roon (Dutch Politician)

Dutch Politician and former prosecutor. Member of the Freedom Party, and MP since 2006.  

Raymond Dosie
Raymond Edward (Author)


Raymond Ibrahim (Author, Translator)
Raymond IbrāhƯm
Rāʾid Abū Suhayla (Father)

Author, Latin-rite Catholic priest

Rāʾid al-Sharqāwī

Coptic Human Rights activist; Author

Rāʾid Salāmah (Dr.)


Raʾūf Shalabī
Rebecca Weixler
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (President of Turkey)
Regina Jonas (Rabbi)
Reginald Wingate (General, High Commissioner)

High Commissioner of Egypt

Reham Awwad [Rihām ʿAwwad] (Dr.)

Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgeon. She's a cofounder of the "Restore FGM" medical center in Egypt.

Reinout Vos
Rena Netjes (Dutch Journalist)

Dutch Arabist and journalist who campaigned for the Christian Democratic Party (CDA) for a seat in the European Parliament in 2009. In 2014 Egyptian authorities sentenced a number of non-Egyptian nationals working with al-Gezira English to very stiff sentences. Rena Netjes got involved because of her meeting with the al-Gezira English Head of Bureau and was sentenced to ten years imprisonment. She adamantly denies she has ever worked for al-Gezira. Rena Netjes was informed about her pending arrest and escaped Egypt as soon as possible after this. Since this event Rena Netjes is not able to travel to Egypt anymore.


Rev. Bert ter Schegget

Rev. Bert ter Schegget (1927-2001), pastor of the United Protestant Church (Verenigde Protestantse gemeente) in Curacao between 1958 and 1963.

Rev. Dr. Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920)
Rev. Dr. Ioan Soka

Secretary General of the World Council of Churches

Rev. J.H. (1917-2007)
Rev. Mūnīr Hannā Anīs
Rev. Nasr Allāh Zakarīyā [Director of the Evangelical Church’s Media Office-Egypt]
Rev. Stephen Sizer [Famous British Pastor]
Rex Tillerson ‎

US Secretary of State under President Donald Trump (2017)

Reza Aslan (Author, Television Personality)

Iranian-American author, author of No god but God

Reza Shah-Kazemi (Dr.)

a widely published scholar at the Ismaili Institute in London

Riahnnon Smith
Richard Boucher (Diplomat)

Deputy Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Since 2009); Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs (2006-2009); Official spokesman of the US Secretary of State (2000-2005)

Richard Donk

Dutch journalist for Reformatorisch Dagblad; Member of SGP (Reformed party)

Richard E. Rubenstein (Author)

an American author and University Professor of Conflict Resolution and Public Affairs at George Mason University, holding degrees from Harvard University, Oxford University, and Harvard Law School.

Richard Engel

NBC's news chief foreign correspondent

Richard Milhous Nixon (President)

President of the USA (1969-1974); Vice-President (1953-1961); Senator (1950-1953)
