

List of persons names (and their functions) used in AWR-Articles

(Click on name to display relevant articles)

Name Function
Muṣṭafā Ḥusnī

A Muslim Preacher and televangelist from Egypt.

Muṣṭafā Ḥussayn

Cartoonist artist, painter and journalist

Muṣṭafā Imām (Dr.)

Professor at the Faculty of Arabic Language at the Azhar University

Muṣṭafā Kamāl Ḥilmī (Dr.)

Former Chairman of the Shurá Council; Former Chief of the Syndicate of Teachers

Muṣṭafā Kāmil
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

First President of Turkey (1923-1938)

Muṣṭafā Khaṭṭāb

Head of the Ayn Shams Prosecution

Muṣṭafā Madbūlī (Egyptian Prime Minister)
Muṣṭafā Maḥmūd Husain (Dr.)

Egyptian scientist and a prolific author; Doctor; Presenter of Science and Faith TV show

Muṣṭafā Maḥmūd ʿAbd Allāh


Muṣṭafā Maṣbāḥ
Muṣṭafā Mashhūr (Mr.)

Fifth General guide of the Muslim Brotherhood (1996-2002)

Muṣṭafā Muḥammad Muṣṭafā (Mr.)

Member of the People’s Assembly, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood

Muṣṭafā Raḥūma
Muṣṭafā Rajab (Dr.)

Author; Former Dean for Sohag University; Vice-President of the Egyptian Union of Writers

Muṣṭafā Raslān


Muṣṭafā Riyāḍ
Muṣṭafá Salāh [prosecutor of Minyā al-Qamh] (Egypt)
Muṣṭafā Salāma

assistant to Dr. ‘Imād ‘Abd al-Ghaffūr

Muṣṭafā Sāmī

Columnist at al-Ahrām newspaper

Muṣṭafā Sulaymān


Muṣṭafā Thābit


Muṣṭafā Yāssīn (Dr.)


Muṣṭafā Yusrī
Muṣṭafā Zāyid (Coalition for Sufi Youth - Egypt)
Muṣṭafā ʿAbāzah

Journalist; Bureau-chief of INC-International News Corporation USA; Account; Former general; AWR Board member (Since 2005)

Muṣṭafā ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ Muḥammad

Heasd of the Egyptian Endowments Authority

Muṣṭafā ʿAbd al-Qādir (Major General)

Former minister of local development; Former governor of Minya

Muṣṭafā ʿAbd al-Rāziq (Shaykh)

Grand Shaykh of al-Azhar (1945-1947)

Muṣṭafā ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz


Muṣṭafa ʿAbdul-Karīm [Public prosecuting Attorney Of North Suhāj]
Muṣṭafā ʿAṭīya

one of the defense attorneys for civil rights

Muṣṭafā ʿIbāda

Poet and journalist at al-Ahrām newspaper

Muṣʿad Ṣādiq

Author; Journalist for Waṭanī newspaper

Muṭāwʿi Barakāt


Muzun Ḥassan [Mozn Hassan] (co-founder of Naẓra for Feminist Studies)

Mozn Hassan is co-founder of Nazra for Feminist Studies in Egypt. Mozn’s work focuses on the political, social, and economic status of women in Egypt. 

Following Jan 25, 2011 revolution, she took part in a coalition of women’s organizations and played a major role in the inclusion of women’s rights in the Egyptian Constitution. In 2015 she was one of the pioneers in the establishment of a coalition of civil society organizations called the ‘Defenders of Women’s Rights in the Middle East and North Africa.’ 
Muʿammar al-Qadhāfī [Muammar Gaddafi] (President)

President of Libya (From 1969-2011) 


Muʿawaḍ Makārī (Archpriest)

the secretary of the acting patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church in 2012

Muʿāwiyya ibn Abī Sufiyān (Caliph)

First Caliph of the Umayyad Dynasty (661-680)

Muʿawwad Shinūda Muʿawwad

Killed in the incidents of al-Kushḥ / Sohag (January 2000)

Muʿtaz al-Saʿadāwī
Muʿtaz Maṭar

Muslim Brotherhood Journalist and Presenter

Muʿtaz Muḥammad Mitwallī [Mutazz Muhammad Mutwalli]

accused by the brother of Teresa Ghattās Kāmil Girgis, Ṣaʿīd, to have kinapped his sister to convert her to Islam [Ref. AWR, 2006, week 6, art. 7 also: Arab-West Report, paper 6, p. 14]

Muʿtaz ʿAbd al Fattāḥ (Dr.)
Na Zhong

Na Zhong(1909-2007) – Chinese Azharite among the first state-sponsored delegation to Cairo in 1931. Na was actively involved in ‘citizen diplomacy’, promoting China and Chinese Muslims abroad. Due to his close ties to the Chinese state, he is remembered as outstanding patriot who contributed to the advance of Sino-Middle Eastern relations as informal diplomats.

Nabawī Muḥammad al-ʿUsh (Shaykh)

Head of al-Azhar Fatwa Committee

Nabawiyya al-Naḥās (Shaykha)
Nabī Nāshid Mīkhāʾīl (Colonel)
Nabia Abbott

Nabia Abbott was a US-American Orientalist, born in the South of Turkey, she emigrated with her family to the United States were she continued her studies in Oriental and Arabic Studies and became a professor at the University of Chicago

Nabīh al-Waḥsh


Nabīl Adīb Bisādah
Nabīl Aḥmad Ḥilmī (Dr.)

Member of: the Egyptian National Council for Human Rights; the Policy committee of the NDP, International law faculty Dean and Professor at Zaqāzīq university

Nabīl al-Maghrabī

Leading Figure of the Jihād Group; Third defendant in the case of the assassination of President Sadāt

Nabīl al-Sharīf

editor of al-Dustūr Newspaper (Jordan) until February 2009

Nabīl al-ʿArabī

Ambassador to United Nations (1991-1995); Egyptian Foreign Minister (2011); Secretary-General of the Arab League (2011-)

Nabīl al-ʿAzabī (Governor of Asyūṭ)
Nabīl Fahmī
Egyptian diplomat, Foreign Minister in 2013-2014. He was seen as a loyalist of Vice-President Muḥammad al-Barādʿaī. After his post, he became the dean of the School Global Affairs and Public Policy (GAPP) at the American University in Cairo.
Nabīl Ḥabashī Salāma

Copt kidnapped and murdered by extremists in Sinai.  Execution was caught on video.  

Nabīl Ḥilmī
Nabīl Lūqā Bibāwī (Dr.)

Professor of Criminal Law; Author; Researcher

Nabīl Mālik

president of the Canadian Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (CEOHR)

Nabīl Munīr Ḥabīb

Egyptian researcher and lawyer

Nabīl Najīb Salāma (Mr.)

Author; Public Relations coordinator of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS)

Nabīl Naʿīm (Shaykh)

Leading figure of the Jihād Group

Nabīl Ṣādiq (Attorney-General - Egypt)
Nabīl Salīm

one of Adli's lawyers and aquaintances.

Nabīl Ṣamūʾīl ʿAbādīr (Dr.)

Director General of Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Service [CEOSS] (Since 1997)

Nabīl Sharābīn

He is an egyptian architect.

Nabīl Sharaf al-Dīn

Author; Journalist

Nabīl Yūsuf
Nabīl Zakī (Dr.)

Editor-in-chief of Al-Ahālī newspaper; Author

Nabīl ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ (Dr.)

Researcher at the Al-Ahrām Centre for Strategic Studies; President of Al-Ahrām Center for the History

Nabīl ʿAbd al-Malik (Dr.)

Head of the Canadian Egyptian Organization for Human Rights; Author

Nabīl ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz

Journalist; Author

Nabīl ʿUmār

Author; Journalist

Nabīl ʿUthmān (State Information Services)

Chairman of the Egyptian State Information Service

Nabīla Mīkhāʾīl (Dr.)

Member of the Majlis al-Millī (Community Council); Professor of Music Education at Helwan University

Nada Ghaly
Nader Shukry
Nadia Elkadi [Nādiyya al-Qāḍī]
Nadia Henry [Nādiya Hinrī] (MP)

Member of Egyptian Parliament

Nādīn al-Badīr
Nādīn Qināwī


Nādīn ʿAbdallah ‎
Nādir al-Ṣīrfī

the President of the Union of 38 Copts

Nādir Bakkār (Al-Nour Party)

al-Nūr Party spokesman


Nādir Fawzī

Chairman of Middle East Christians Association[MECA]; Author

Nādir Marquṣ
Nādir Riyāḍ
Nādir Shukrī (Mr.)


Nādir Ṣubḥī Sulaymān (Eng.)
Nādir ‘Abāsī

Conductor & Composer Music, Opera & Orchestra

Nādiyya Abū al-Majid

Author and Journalist

Nādiyya Anwar Shiḥāta
Nādiyya Barsūm


Nādiyya Ghālī

Coptic activist living in Australia

Nādiyya Ḥalīm (Dr.)

Board Member of the Alliance for Arab Women; Professor of Sociology; Director of social and criminal research programs at the National Center for Sociological and Criminological Research

Nādiyya Makram ʿUbayd (Dr.)

Former Minister of State for Environmental Affairs

Minister Of Immigration And Expatriate Affairs‎ (2018)

Nādiyya Muṣṭafā [Nadia Mustafa] (Dr.)

Professor of international relations, head of the Center for Political Research, head of the Program for Dialogue between Civilizations at Cairo University

Nādiyya Muṭāwʿi

