

List of persons names (and their functions) used in AWR-Articles

(Click on name to display relevant articles)

Name Function
Asʿad ʿĀlam (Dr.)
Athanāsius (Bishop, Metropolitan of Banī Swayf and Bahnasā)

Metropolitan of Banī Swayf and Bahnasā (1962-2000)

Athanāsius the Apostolic (Church Father, Saint, Pope)

Churchfather, 4th century patriarch of Alexandria

Aughusṭīnūs (Father)

Father Mar Mīna Church, Heliopolis, Cairo. 

Aughusṭīnūs Fuʾād (Father)

Priest of Saint George's Church in Alexandria

Augustine of Hippo (Saint)

Augustine of Hippo (/ɔːˈɡʌstᵻn/ or /ˈɔːɡəstiːn/; 13 November 354 – 28 August 430)[4] was an early Christian theologian and philosopher[5] whose writings influenced the development of Western Christianity and Western philosophy. He was the bishop of Hippo Regius in north Africa and is viewed as one of the most important Church Fathers in Western Christianity for his writings in the Patristic Era. Among his most important works are The City of God and Confessions.

Avi Lipkin
Avigdor Lieberman

Soviet born Israeli politician who serves as the current Israeli Minister of Defense (2016)

Axel Matyba (Pastor)
Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Somali-Dutch politician; Author; Wrote the screenplay for Theo van Gogh's film Submission (2004); critic of Islam

Ayāt al-Khaṭṭīb


Ayman Abū al-ʿIlā (Egyptian Social Democratic Party)
Ayman Aḥmad Muḥammad Muṣṭafā [Ingy Edward Nagy]

Convert to Islam

Ayman al-Ashraf

Author; journalist for Al-Dustūr newspaper

Ayman al-Bashbīshī


Ayman al-Ḥakīm


Ayman al-Ḥuṣarī (Presenter)
Ayman al-Jaʿafarī

Women Secretary of the party in Hurghada - resigned 

Ayman al-Khamīsī


Ayman al-Zayānī (Dr.)

Assistant professor in the Azhar University

Ayman Baybars
Ayman Ibrāhīm Kāmil al-Ḥafnāwī [Ayman Ibrahim Kamel El-Hefnawi] (Dr.)
Ayman Jirjis
Ayman Luwīs [Ayman Louis] (Rev.)
Ayman Majallī

Deputy Prime Minister of Jordan (Since 1999)

Ayman Maṭar


Ayman Mitrī
Ayman Muḥammad Rabīʿa al-Ẓawāhirī [Ayman al-Zawahiri]

A prominent leader of al-Qācidah; Amīr of Egyptian Islamic Jihād (1991-2001), became leader of  al-Qācidah following the death of Usama Bin Ladin on May 2, 2011


Biography of Ayman al-Zawāhirī:


Ayman Nūr (Dr.)

Egyptian politician; a former member of the Egyptian Parliament; chairman of Al-Ghad party


Ayman Qandīl
Aymān Rajab


Ayman Rifāʿī

Ayman Rifā’ī is a  l.eader in Tawhīd wal-Jihād

Ayman Salāma (Prof. Dr.)
Ayman Shabānah
Ayman Shukrī (MP)

Coptic representative Ayman Shukrī, a member of the House of Representatives in Fayoum governorate,

Ayman Yūsuf Tawfīq

A Coptic Christian from the village of Kafr Darwish in Beni Suef Governorate, Egypt. He was forcibly displaced along with five other Coptic families in May of 2015 when he allegedly posted caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad to his Facebook page.

Ayman ʿAbd al-Jawwād
Ayman ʿAbd al-Majīd

Journalist for Rose al-Yousuf

Ayman ʿAbd al-Munʿim (Dr.)

(Governor of Suhāj)-Egypt 2017

Ayman ʿAbd al-Raḥīm


Ayman ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Bashbīshī


Ayman ʿAbd ar-Rasūl
Ayman ʿAlī

Vice President of the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe

Aymān ʿĀshūr


Ayman ʿAṭīyah ‎
Ayman ʿŪdah [Ayman Odeh]

an Israeli Arab lawyer and politician. The leader of the Hadash party, he is currently a member of the Knesset and head of the Joint List alliance.

Ayyūb Masīḥah (Father)


Ayyūb Zakī Yūsuf (Father)
Aziz Khalīl
Bāb [Sayyid ʿAlī Muḥammad Shīrāzī]

the founder of Bābism; and one of three central figures of the Bahā'ī Faith (1819-1850)

Babnūda [Paphnotius/Baphnotius] (Bishop)

Bishop of Samallūṭ (Since 1976); Author

Badr Ḥilmī [Badr Helmi]
Badr Muḥammad Badr

Member of the Muslim Brotherhood; Journalist; Author

Bafnutiyyūs [Paphnotius] (Bishop)

Bishop of Samālūt (Egypt)

Bahāʾ al-Dīn Abū al-Shaqa

Prominent lawyer, leading Wafd Party member

Bahāʾ al-Dīn Ḥassan (Dr.)

Director of Cairo center for Human Rights, Former Member of the Egyptian National Council for Human Rights

Bahāʾ Allāh [Mirzā Husayn ‘Alī Nūrī]

The founder of the Bahā'ī Faith; claimed to be the prophetic fulfilment of Bābism and a messenger from God referring to the fulfilment of the eschatological expectations of Islam, Christianity, and other major religions (1817-1892)

Bahāʾ Bakrī [Baha' Bakry]
Bahāʾ Ramzī [Head of Holland’s Coptic institute]
Bahāʾ Ṭāhir [Bahaa Taher]

Bahāʾ Ṭāhir is an Egyptian writer, mostly known for novels and short stories written in English. He was banned from writing in 1975 and therefore decided to travel abroad and work as a translator. From the 1980s to the 1990s he worked as a translator for the United Nations in Switzerland. He was awarded the inaugural International Price in Arabic Fiction in 2008. Politically, he considers himself a Pan-Arabist. In his works, he refuses to apply stereotypical writing and portraying clichés about arabic countries and culture.

Baher Dokhan
Bahgat Abdu Fanous [Bahjat ʿAbduh Fānūs]

antiquity inspector of the Egyptian antiquity sector in the 1990s

Bahib al Sima; Barsoum El-Muharraqi
Bahiyya Shiḥāb [Bahia Shahab] (Artist)
Baḥir Ḥamdī Dukhān

Translator at AWR (2008); Egyptian AWR Intern (DEDI program 2007)

Bākhūm (Bishop of Sūhāj)

Coptic Orthodox Bishop of Sohag (Since 1986)

Bākhūm [Pachomius] (Bishop of Baḥīrah and Maṭrūḥ)

 Metropolitan of El-Beheira and the 5 western cities (Since 1971). He became the Coptic Orthodox Church acting Patriarch after the death of Pope Shenouda III in March 2012. He was unanimously chosen by members of the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church.

Bākhūm [Pachomius] (Saint)

4th Century hermit; Considered as the founder of Christian monasticism

Bākīnām al-Sharqāwī [Pakinam al-Sharqawi] (Dr.)
Balāmūn (Archbishop)
Bandar bin Sultān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Saʿud (Prince)
Banūb Ḥabashī

Egyptian archaeologist

Baqīʿa Ṣadaqa Jirjis (Rev.)

Head of the Evangelical Church in Asyut

Barack Obama (U.S. 44th Pres.)

President of the United States between 2009 and 2017

Baraka Maḥmūd Yūsuf Abū Ṣāliḥa

leaders of terror organization. 

Barbara Baker

Compass Direct correspondent for the Middle East; Author

Barbara Harrell-Bond (1932-2018)

Barbara Harrell-Bond - (1932-2018), a British American social scientist in the field of refugee studies, who was teaching at the American University in Cairo, Egypt.

Barbara Ibrāhīm

founding director of the John D. Gerhart Center for Philanthropy and Civic Engagement at AUC

Barnābā (Father)


Barnābā‎ (Bishop)

Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Dioceses of Rome and Turin, Italy

Barṣūm (Father)
Barsūm al-Muḥarraqī

Former monk

Bartholomew I (Archbishop)

Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch (Since 1991)

Bas Belder (Mr.)
Bas Plaisier (Rev. Dr.)

Former Secretary-General of the Dutch Protestant Church

Basantaʿūs (Saint)

one of the saints of the Coptic Orthodox Church, who died in 631 AD.‎ His remains were found discovered during the restoration work in the ‎monastery earing his name in the Upper-Egyptian diocese of Qift in 2018.‎

Baselios Marthoma Paulose II ‎
Bashār al-Assad (President of Syria)

the 19th and current President of Syria, holding the office since 17 July 2000. He is also commander-in-chief of the Syrian Armed Forces, General Secretary of the ruling Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party and Regional Secretary of the party's branch in Syria. He is a son of Hafez al-Assad, who was President of Syria from 1971 to 2000.

Bashīr al-ʿAdl


Bashīr ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ
Bashīr ʿAbd al-Rāziq

Editor, Particpated in a roundtable discussion initiated by AWR on the amendment of Art. 2 of the Constitution (see AWR-Paper Nr. 40)


Bāsil al-Ḍabʿ

Cairo-based writer and editor,  contributor to TIMEP and previously Politics Editor at Daily News Egypt

Basilides (Saint)
Basilius (Ethiopian Orthodox Patriarch)
Bāsīliyyūs (Bishop and Abbot of St. Samuel the Confessor Monastery in Minya)

Bishop and Abbot of St. Samuel the Confessor Monastery in Minya

Bāsīliyyūs al-Maqārī (Father Basilios or Basilius) (1934-2021)

Coptic Orthodox monk in the Monastery of Saint Macarius; Author
Born in 1934, ordained as a monk in 1973, died in 2021

Bāsim Naʿīm
Basma Mūsā (Dr.)

Egyptian Bahā’ī professor of dentistry at Cairo University

Basma William

