Displaying 151 - 160 of 316.
Within the framework of the program Support Cultural Diversity and Creativity in Egypt, a project co-funded by the European Union and orchestrated by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the latter organizes a project for Egyptian youth under the name of "Questions On The Cultural Movements"; hosted by...
Within the framework of the program Support Cultural Diversity and Creativity in Egypt, a project co-funded by the European Union and orchestrated by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the latter organizes a project for Egyptian youth under the name of "Questions On The Cultural Movements"; hosted by...
Although 63 years have passed since the revolution July 23, it is still the subject of debate: there are those who burden the revolution with the negative implementation of the Mubarak regime, and there are those who believe that it is an advanced stage of the Egyptian revolution that has been able...
In statement disclosed to Algerian media, the Egyptian ambassador to Egypt, `Omar Abu-al-`Aish denied that his country has been asked by the Algerian President `Abd al-Azīz Butaflīqa, not to carry out the death sentence against ousted president Muhammad Mursi. The Ambassador commented on the news...
She has been called “the iron woman”, because she works in a unit devoted to clamping down on violence against women in the Egyptian streets, in particular, in the center of the city of Cairo during the `Idul Fitri holidays.
Cairo Criminal Court in the Police Academy resumes Tuesday the trial of ousted President Muhammad Mursi and 10 other co-defendants in the espionage case, Misr al-Arabiyyia reported.
In a statement he disclosed today, Mr. Samāha al-Sayed Mahmūd al-Sharīf, head of Al-Ashrāf Syndicate, announced that the religious institution in Egypt is integrated under the umbrella of the State, and that Al-Azhar is the beacon of moderate Islam.
It is no secret that Egypt is fighting a real war against cross-border terrorism that has several faces; it became obvious that terror has targeted Egypt, its people and its army through one of the most dangerous means, that of the media. In recent times, the minds of terrorism, and those...
The Egyptian Organization For Human Rights EOHR strongly condemned the terrorist attacks on several locations in Egypt, asserting that such actions are a great violation of human rights as declared in universal documents and treaties on the right to life in freedom and safety.
In an interview with media presenter Mona Salmān, Dr. Butrus Butrus-Ghāli, former Secretary General of the United Nations, confirmed that the population explosion Egypt is facing, is a crucial issue that, unfortunately, has never been seriously tackled by the different political leaderships....


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