Displaying 321 - 330 of 425.
Christian thinkers comment on Pope Shenouda’s recent decisions.
The article explains the problem that Coptic actress Hālah Ṣidqī is experiencing regarding her divorce from her husband Majdī William.
Muná al-Mallākh reports about the different opinions of eminent Christian figures concerning disputes in the church.
The screening of the movie ?Baheb al-Sima? [I Love Cinema] triggered much debate between angry Christian clerics and activists on one hand and advocates of freedom of expression on the other hand. The following is a list of articles concerning the reactions to the screening of “Baheb al-Sima.”
Recently, a lawsuit has been filed by Coptic priests and lawyers against Baheb al-Sima on the grounds that the film is demeaning to the Orthodox Christian faith. Justice Naguib Gebrail, former president of the Personal Status Court, said that a group of Egyptian businessmen and intellectuals would...
The Cairo Personal Status Court refused to hear the first case of khula? filed by a Christian wife. The court based its judgment on the on the commandment of the Bible that the wife should not be separated from her husband except for marital unfaithfulness. Lawyers of other Coptic wives asking...
[Khul‘‘ is wife?s request for divorce in return for the dowry and gifts she had received from him].
The article discusses the conflicts within the Coptic Church.
Benha University has decided to call off a controversial book for containing sentences that offend Christianity.
The article discusses the questions surrounding article two of the Constitution, and who has the authority to call for its amendment. The author wonders who has the right to speak on behalf of the Copts.


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