Displaying 411 - 420 of 425.
Sout Al-Umma apologized to the Copts regarding what it published about the 70,000 Copts forging police reports to get American nationality. The apology was made with the intention of preventing the problem from escalating again and causing problems the same way Al-Nabaa did.
Sout Al-Umma published an article about raping 400,000 Christian girls and forcing them to convert to Islam, with the aim of disclosing the lies of emigrant Copts. No one objected although the number was huge. The paper thought that the news about the 70,000 Copts forging police reports to get...
The article is a comment on Tareq Al-Bishri’s article in which he compared the attitude of the State towards Al-Nabaa crisis and the crisis caused by the publication of the "Banquet for Seaweed." The author believes that Christians have the right to get angry and to express that anger by all lawful...
The RNSAW sent the translated article of al-Usbua with a request for more information to the Library of Congress. Mr. Mike Newman ran a text search of both the Bill Text and Congressional Record for "Egypt newspaper," and found nothing relevant. Does the memorandum mentioned by al-Usbua exist? If...
Tomorrow the Egyptian Administrative Court is to end the controversy about Al-Nabaa newspaper. It will also look into two cases filed by Mamdouh Mahran. In the first he tries to override a verbal ruling by the Minister of Interior prohibiting the press house from operating and in the second he...
Coptic lawyer Mamdouh Ramzi is leading a battle against the Muslim Brotherhood in the Bar Association. He is demanding that the president founds a Christian Law Branch, to contrast with the Islamic law [Shari’a] branch. Christian lawyer Naguib Gabriel rejects all religious committees inside the...
Both the governor of Qalyubiya and the bishop of Shubra el-Kheima provided us with documents to support their arguments. We have translated the 11 documents, and placed them in chronological order. In this order it is important to distinguish between the period before March 1 (the oral permit of...
After Dale Gavlak and Cornelis Hulsman interviewed the governor of Qalyubiya they interviewed H.G. Bishop Marcos and asked him to respond to all the issues raised by the governor.
Counselor Naguib Gabriel Michael said that he started a lawsuit against Pope Shenouda and the Minister of Interior for manipulating the Milli Council elections. Archpriest Salib Matta Saweris, whom he accused of using his spiritual position to influence the voters will, asked why he did not object...
The State Council is looking into the case filed by Naguib Gibra’il Michael versus Pope Shenouda and the Minister of Interior. The case may result in cancellation of the results of the last Milli Council elections for legal violations.


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