Displaying 1 - 8 of 8.
One must be cautious when writing about religious leaders, as they have mastered the art of speaking to an audience. Humans have a penchant for self-deception and self-justification; when mixed with religious language manipulation is easily manufactured, even if unintentionally advanced. People who...
The author discusses why jihādi groups find aircrafts such an attractive target for terrorist attacks.
London overlooked extremist fundamentalists in the 1990´s. When they started to make trouble, it passed a law allowing detaining them without a trial. London ignored requests for extraditing terrorists to their native countries until two Muslim militants launched attacks in Britain. The...
The author reports the argument concerning the subject of the movie Spooks. The film discusses the story of recruiting suicide-fundamentalists in one of the mosques of Birmingham. It presents a false image of Muslims and Islam in Britain. Thus it provokes the anger of Muslims.
Zakariya Moussaoui until now is the only one facing formal charges in connection with the events of September 11. He refused to speak before the judge. The judge considered his silence a denial of the charges. So, she ordered the initiation of the trial in front of a jury the following 14 October...
Muslim cleric Mustafa Kāmil, otherwise known as Abu Hamza al-Misrī, was sentenced by the Old Bailey Tuesday to seven years in jail after being found guilty of soliciting murder and inciting racial hatred during sermons to his followers.
Some reports say that European women converting to Islam are outnumbering the men. Some attribute this to the number of European women marrying Muslim men while other reports say the conversion is out of sympathy with Muslims in their post-9/11 ordeal and curiosity to know more about Islam.
Some of the directors of the Islamic institutions in Britain criticized the British government for not controlling the activities of the extremist imams who encourage young people, in the name of jihad, to rebel against the society in which they live and to participate in violent activities. For...
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