Displaying 1 - 10 of 50.
One of the distinguishing sub-themes of the Egyptian revolution which began on January 25, 2011, has been the proliferation of Coptic movements.
Al-Shaykh Hassan Al-Bannā was eager to make himself and the Muslim Brotherhood appear as if they were living on good terms with religious minorities in Egypt. The group tries to confirm that by recalling the attendance of Makram ‘Ubayd at the funeral of Hassan al-Bannā in 1949 to demonstrate the...
Near thirty journalists gathered at the Cairo Foreign Press Association headquarters to gain insight on the process involved in selecting a successor to the recently deceased Pope Shenouda. Arab West Report presented its research on the subject, accepting also further inquiries.
(Right) now all the political groups in Egypt conform to one main principle, which is to make sure that every part of society is represented in the constituent assembly that will draft the Egyptian constitution. There is no doubt that this principle is credible as long as it is implemented...
This text was first published in Christianity Today on January 23, 2012. Please click here for the link. Egypt’s parliamentary elections are over. While noting irregularities, former US president Jimmy Carter, through his Carter Center for promoting democracy, has judged the elections to be “...
Yesterday and today I was at the Mujama' administrative building at Tahrīr square to complete the residence permit in my passport. Just around the corner was the burned building of the Scientific Research Center besides Parliament. The military has sealed off the Qasr al-'Inī and Shaykh Rayhān...
The attack on the church in Alexandria this weekend marked a new deep trench in the deteriorating relations between Muslims and Christians in Egypt. Shortly before this act of terror, Trouw gauged the atmosphere among Egyptian Christians and Muslims. See footnote 1 in the full text. This text is...
After the negative tune of last week, naturally people were happy this week. The day that will for a long time remain unforgettable in every memory can be seen and heard in all the contributions of this week, and especially in the images shown in articles 3 and 20.  
It will probably only much later that we will understand what a pivotal role the peaceful protests in Tahrir square played for the transformation of an entire region which is still developing.  


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