Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
The author believes that the West has been fighting Islam, since September 11, in various ways. Its latest attempt was the foundation of a union for the care of ex-Muslims called the ’Central Council of Ex-Muslims.’
There is no median between a religious state and a civil state. Many observers consider the proposed constitutional amendments to be encouraging political Islamic groups. While Muslim groups deny any contradiction between article two of the Egyptian Constitution and the principles of citizenship,...
‘Abduh al-Duqayshī reports the opinions of different scholars concerning the Fatwás broadcasted on TV satellite channels.
Following the mixed public reaction to the recent statements made by the Egyptian minister of culture, Fārūq Husnī, on the Ḥijāb, the People’s Assembly’s committees for Religious Affairs and Culture and Media held an emergency meeting on Sunday to discuss the issue. In an attempt to...
In an attempt to quench the uproar over his recent fatwá that appeared to allow the killing of Israeli Jews worldwide, Muslim dā‘īyah Shaykh Safwat Hijāzī, explains in two interviews with Sawt al-Ummah and al-Wafd that his fatwá should only be carried out during wartime.
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