Displaying 1 - 10 of 273.
Q: Can you explain a little bit about yourself? A-Josephine: We are both in the first year at Cairo University, we went both to the Innovation Academy, a learning center where we did the Sudanese curriculum in English. Cairo University was our first option. Our second option was Alexandria...
Mohammed el-Shafei is the Education Officer at the UNHCR. He describes the great efforts Egyptian authorities are making to provide education to refugees. One needs to distinguish between refugees from countries to which the Four Freedoms Agreement applies; the right to property, the right to work...
On June 17, the Coptic Orthodox Church is celebrating the anniversary of musicologist Dr. Rāghib Muftāḥ’s passing. 
Dr. Māyā Mursī, president of the National Council for Women (NCW), stressed the need to activate combating sexual harassment and violence against women units at Egyptian universities by encouraging young women to come forward and report violence and harassment.  She also praised the decisive...
Recently Egyptian society has been preoccupied with claims circulating on social media related to incidents of “rape and harassment” of girls by one young man, calling for official legal action against him. 
Prof. Emeritus Abdallah Schleifer (84) and Prof. Emeritus Shems Friedlander (79) both served in the Department of Mass Communication at the American University in Cairo (AUC) and obtained the title 'professor,' not because of their academic work (they had none) but because both were acclaimed...
Jīhān al-Sādāt, wife of the late President Muḥammad Anwār al-Sādāt, is considered one of the most important advocates for Egyptian women’s rights in history. She was a lecturer at Cairo University, was a visiting professor at the American University in Cairo, and a lecturer at South Carolina State...
The seventh session of the Alexandria Media Forum will be held on Thursday under the title "Media Education and Sustainable Development" in partnership with the American University in Cairo, represented by Kamāl Adham Center for Television and Digital Journalism at the Faculty of International...
The publishing department of the American University in Cairo, AUC Press, has chosen ‘Coptic Christians and Muslims in Egypt: Two Communities, One Nation’ as their book of the month this June. The authors are Fikrī Andrāwus and Alison Orr-Andrawes, and the book was published in May.
Some experts said other countries like Canada, Australia and the United States would walk in the footsteps of the Netherlands in order to help Copts to pack up and leave through facilities offered in the embassies of those countries in Egypt.


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