Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
In an interview with al- Musawwar, Habīl Tawfīq Sa‘īd, a self-styled ‘priest,’ speaks about the independent Orthodox denomination of the “Sons of St. Paul the apostle,” which he founded in 1982 and which then included 3.5 million Coptic Orthodox members from all over the world.
Archpriest Habeel Tawfiq is accused of illegally taking possession of LE50,000. The money was given to Habeel by his son Magid, [in his capacity as] chairman of the Association of Martyr Mari Mina and Pope Kyrillos, as a donation to the Church of the Virgin Mary and Habeel the Pious. It was later...
When Habeel Saeed Tawfiq declared himself patriarch of Orthodox Copts and established a new Christian denomination and new papal chair after the name of St. Paul the Apostle, he provided media with cheap publishing material. The last lawsuit against Habeel is filed by Attia Farid who was hired by...
Habeel made a visit to Israel in 2002, which coincided with the petition he presented for the establishment of a new Christian denomination. Habeel’s visit to Israel was made at the invitation of the Israeli embassy in Cairo to visit Jerusalem and meet with some Israeli rabbis. There are many...
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