Displaying 11 - 20 of 71.
Father Michael Anton [Mīkhāʾīl Anṭūn], representative of the Coptic Orthodox Church, revealed before the ministerial committee in charge of legalizing church conditions, that the work of the committee is in favor of the principle of citizenship, as directed by President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī. In...
Prime Minister Dr. Muṣṭafā Madbūlī presided over a meeting of the committee in charge of legalizing churches.  The meeting was attended by the ministers of justice, housing, and of parliamentary affairs, as well as representatives of the relevant authorities.
The Cabinet of Ministers agreed on a bill to amend some of the provisions for Law Number 8 of 2015 regarding the arranging of the lists of terrorists entities and terrorists.  The goal is to place the most comprehensive legal framework to limit persons and terrorist entities, and to adopt...
The media center for the Cabinet of Ministers published an infographic, which brought to light the most recent result regarding the number of legalized churches and buildings in application of Law No. 80 of 2016.  The state committee for the legalization of unlicensed churches, which was formed in...
The cabinet of ministers has agreed to the recommendations of the presidential council, laid down in writing in Article 8 of law Number 80 from 2016 to organize the construction and renovation of churches.
President Mursī will soon announce a law detailing the role of the armed forces in ensuring security and protecting vital national establishments until the ratification of a Constitution and the end of parliamentary elections, and in all instances when such security is requested by the President.
This was denied in a separate article in al-Wafd, which stated that tens of Copts, who are members of the Maspero Youth Union have demonstrated in front of the Council of Ministers in protest against the attack. A delegation of the movement met with Dr. Hāzim al-Biblāwī, the Prime Minister, to...
Pope Tawadros has received Prime Minister Eng. Ibrahīm Mahlab in the papal headquarters in St. Mark’s Cathedral, Abāssiyah, Cairo. He also received a number of ministers that came to congratulate the Pope on the Day of Resurrection (Easter), including General Sidqī Subhī, general commander of the...
Al- Azhar has seconded the decision of Ibrāhim Mahlab, the Prime Minister, suspending the  screening of “Halāwah Ruh” movie starring Hayfā Wahbī and Bāssim Samrā in protection of the Egyptian society and its religious values. 
Copts celebrate the Holy Week, which marks the end of the fasting and the week before Easter, yesterday. The Church invited President 'Adlī Mansūr and Prime Minister Ibrāhīm Mahlab to join, according to the usual protocols. The festivities were organized in coordination with the security forces...


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