Displaying 1 - 10 of 71.
In response to complaints received on social media, the Crisis Management Team of the Egyptian Cabinet have intervened with regards to the sinking basement of the Church of the Virgin Mary in Maadi, resulting from the rising water levels of the Nile.  The necessary authorities from state agencies...
His Eminence the Grand Imam of al-Azhar al-Sharīf, Prof. Dr. Aḥmad al- Ṭayyib said that Islam came to liberate humanity from uncivilized practices that burdened humanity for centuries. God forbade all forms of slavery and instituted laws that protect human dignity and promote equality amongst all...
Counsellor Munṣif Najīb Sulaymān, member of parliament and representative of the Coptic Orthodox Church, announced that the second parliamentary session's agenda will include a legislative proposal for Christian families; a draft that can be considered a civilizational leap for Christian families...
Monks from the St. Macarius Monastery in Wādī al-Rayyān, al-Fayūm, confirmed that security forces led by the Environmental Affairs Agency demolished monastery facilities, including a church, monastic living quarters, and farmland.  They said that several monks had been assaulted while protesting...
The Egyptian state is a unique example of co-existence between religions and national unity.  It has strived to ingrain and promote tolerance, peace, and equality regardless of religion or creed.  In light of these efforts, the media center for the Egyptian Cabinet has published a report that...
After failing to include Copts killed by ISIS in Libya as part of the National Council for Care of the Families of the Revolution’s Martyrs and Injured as ordered by the Egyptian Cabinet on February 16, 2015, the families of the slain have resorted to the courts to enforce the decision.
The martyrs of Libya are an icon of the modern era, whose blood was shed by the terrorist organization ISIS in February 2015. President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī come out with a speech to affirm their honour, with only hours passing before an air strike was launched in revenge for them. The Egyptian...
The Egyptian Cabinet agreed on a bill to amend some of the punishments for Law NO. 58 of 1937 to deter female circumcision [also known as female genital mutilation (FGM)]. 
The Egyptian Cabinet's committee charged with looking into the status of unlicensed churches to grant them legality has approved on 2 April 2020 the legalization of a new batch of houses of worship.
Egypt's Cabinet announced that rescue forces from the Ministry of Social Solidarity have arrived in ʿIzbat al-Zarāyib, after the residents of this area had called for help following heavy rainfall. Blankets and food were provided to those affected with the help of local community associations.


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